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Dean Winchester got out of his bed and put on his favourite satin dressing gown before going into the library of the bunker he and his brother Sam lived in. Sam just put down his phone before Dean sat down at the table opposite Sam.

Sam: Morning, How'd you sleep?

Dean: Like a Drunk Baby. Who was that?

Sam: Cas, he says there maybe a case for us. Demon killing in a place called......Star City.

Dean: Wow, what a name? but demons get killed everyday.

Sam: yeah but this Demon was killed by an angel arrow which Cas says don't officially exist.

Dean: Ok so yeah maybe a case after all.

Sam and Dean travelled to Star City. They got dressed in black tied suits before going towards the crime scene. They met Police Captain Quentin Lance at the scene.

Quentin: Can I Help you?

Dean: I'm agent Ackles this is my partner agent Padalecki.

Quentin: Since when are the feds interested in regular murders?

Dean: Well that regular has an arrow lodged in his peeper.

Sam: Did the Victim have any large debts or gang crimes?

Quentin: No, He was an accountant who went missing over a year ago.

Sam and Dean looked at each other with a look that showed they knew exactly was going on.

Sam: Can we look at the body?

Quentin: Be my guest.

Sam and Dean walked over and bent down to see the body. Dean took out the EMF Detector and it went off like crazy when he put it near the body.

Sam: Yep definitely a demon.

Dean: A dead one. I think we know who was involved in this.

Sam: Crowley.

Dean: yep.

Sam: I wonder why he would be killing his own kind.

Dean: we'll have Cas look into it.

The two brothers walked over to Captain Lance.

Sam: is there anyone else that would be related with this?

Quentin: Well he was an accountant for the office of mayor.

Sam and Dean went to the mayoral office where they met Thea Queen.

Dean: Your the mayor? You're not even Twenty Five.

Thea: I am in two weeks, My brother was but he passed away a few months ago.

Sam: I am very sorry to hear that Miss Queen.

Thea: Please call me Thea.

Sam: What can you tell us about the victim.

Thea: His name was Paul Lawlor, He was an accountant with us for years but a year ago he went missing on his way home. no one has seen him since.

Dean: Thank you.

Thea: Can I ask why are the FBI interested in this sort of thing?

Sam: It's official business.

Thea: What sort of official business.

Dean: It's officially none of your damn business.

Dean walked out of the office. Sam turned back to Thea.

Sam: Sorry. Thank you.

Sam followed Dean out of the office.

Sam: What was that?

Dean: Look, I just got free of the mark of Cain and Gods sister is currently roaming the earth and the one time I want to catch a break a freakin' demon death so yeah Sammy I am a little pissed.

Sam: Look I just got a text from Cas, he says there is a large EMF reading at the old office of the mayor, let's go check it out and then we'll call it a night.

Dean: Ok, but you're getting me some pie.

Sam and Dean went to the old office of mayor. They had there guns ready walking in. Everything seemed normal and quiet until the secret elevator in the mayors office opened and John and Felicity walked out.

Sam: Don't move!

Dean: Is that secret Elevator?

Felicity: Who are you?

Dean: Who are you?

Suddenly the two brothers were knocked out by Rene.

Felicity: Ok that was..............Unexpected.


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