The name went through her head as she processed it, the concentration clear on her face. Then it clicked. She knew of Inspector Campbell and the threat that he held to Tommy.

Without saying anything, she walked outside, the cold air hitting her like of tonne of bricks, causing her to quickly button up the front of her coat. While she quickly walked, the thought of Tommy getting hurt flashed through her mind. And to put it simply, it hurt.

After a small, but terrifying walk to the Garrison, she finally made it. Victoria walked down the lane to the back door, she knew going through the front would cause more damage than good.

She slowly walked through the back door and tiptoed through to the door that lead into the bar, without making a sound. Slowly, Victoria opened her clutch bag, holding onto the gun as she peaked through gap, thankfully she was just able to see and hear their meeting.

"Men like us Mr Shelby, will always be alone." Spoke a thick irish accent, to whom she assumed was Inspector Campbell.

Tommy let out a soft chuckle and shook his head. "But you're forgetting that I have my family and I have a fiancé. A fiancé that I love and adore and the feeling is very much mutual. Something that you won't ever have." He replied, the hatred was clear in his voice.

Campbell had sinked back the small measure of whiskey and laughed as he placed the now empty glass down on the table. "Fiancé? Now I refused to believe that the Thomas Shelby has now settled down, let alone actually be getting married. It's all just one big joke."

Victoria wanted nothing more than to storm into that bar and point the gun to his smug face, pulling the rigger like she had done to Kimber. But she couldn't make her move, not just yet.

"I actually heard that this Shelby wedding is going to be the wedding of the century, many high up people shall be attending. But don't hold out on getting an invite any time soon, may end up getting lost in the post." Tommy smirked as he stood up from the table, his chair scraping against the wooden floor.

Campbell copied his actions and stood up just after him, reaching deep into his pocket and pulling out a small polaroid photo. "You're settled down then ey? I don't think this photo would agree with you. You want to be careful who you kiss in public then Mr Shelby."

Victoria couldn't take it any longer. She pulled the bar door open and stepped inside as she held the gun up into the air. Tommy looked up when he heard the light click of her heels against the wooden flooring, his face dropping when he realised who had joined them. "You aren't supposed to be here, get back home." He spoke with a light sigh as he rubbed his temples.

"Not going to introduce me to your friend then, Thomas?" Campbell asked, a smug smile etched from one ear to the other. Victoria lowered the gun slightly, keeping her finger readily on the trigger. "I'm Miss Victoria Owen, that's who!" She stated sternly, keeping her eyes firmly on Campbell himself.

The inspector glanced over at Tommy then looked down at the photo he held in his hand. "Oh, so this is the lady that has tried to tame you then? Well Miss, let this be a lesson to you, Thomas Shelby isn't a man to be married." He shrugged as he held the photo out to her, his smug smile still plastered across his face.

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