Need to Think of a Plan

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Flowey's POV-
Why has the child spared almost every monster in the underground? Maybe I can use this innocence of theirs to become omega me. I know the name sounds stupid, but I couldn't find any better name. It will just have to do. The name doesn't matter. What matters is I retrieve all five souls.

I've been talking to Papyrus lately. He is so easily manipulated, I needed to slow down the human's progress to think of a plan. I've been watching Papyrus and fish face and slowed down the human's progress. Now I just need to think of a plan.

The human will probably come accross dad sooner or later. He won't come down that easy. I have to strike when he is weak. I can just take the souls and he wouldn't even notice. I don't even care if I'm killing my own father. Mom and dad probably don't even remember me.

I'll get that child for turning my mother on me. She probably won't even want me if I showed up on her doorstep like this. The child worries me a bit, they are getting stronger. I need to be stronger and better than them. At least stronger than that comedian. I could probably beat him in one hit.

Forever Land - Flowey the FlowerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora