January 26th, 2014

30 2 0

Dear diary,

Okay so lets be real.. I was listening to blood on the dance floor "I refuse to sink", and people in the comments.. Oh jeez.. One person said that 1D was better.. AYE Really, really, really? Legit.. Then I was just sitting there EATING MA POPCORN. while people going crazy, BUT THEN one comment caught my eye (by the same person) They said Dahvie was a pedofile! WHAT?! Never heard that.. :/// Some people.. They also said he was a bully..?  Sense when? I thought there music was helping.. That's kinda the point of music.. Yea.. Well I might be able to go to Kentucky for Summer!! That's epic.. Well.. Yea.. There is not really anything else to say, but seriously.. Work harder Leanne.. 



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