A Brush With Death

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Prompt: Yayy! Can you do an imagine where the batfamily (and batmom) are going to this charity event the boys & bruce patrol bc of a looming threat? And then when they leave batmom gets shot near her heart & almost dies and they seek revenge (requested by )

"Shit." You swore under your breath as you danced with your husband. Over his shoulder you spied the bat symbol burning brightly in the overcast night sky.

"It just turned on didn't it?" Bruce asked so that only you could hear, not bothering to look over his shoulder at what he already knew was there.

"You betcha." You said. Bruce dropped his head and let out a quiet sigh into your hair.

"I have to go." He said, full of regret.

"Go. I'll handle your speech." You reassured. "Go save the world." You encouraged shooing him away from the dancefloor. He smiled gratefully towards you and pulled his phone out of his pocket to take a 'phone call' as he hurried out of the party.

You made your way over to the MC to let him know the change to the program and that your husband had to leave early for a 'business emergency'. He looked a little annoyed by the sudden change but out of respect for the amount of money the Waynes donate to this program he made the wise decision not to complain to your face.

One by one you watched as each of your boys slipped out of the party and snuck off to help their father fight god knows what. You were flying solo tonight.

"... Ladies and gentlemen it is my highest honor to welcome Mrs. [Y/N] Wayne to the stage." The announcer said, giving your cue to ascend to the podium. As you smiled a bright friendly smile to the cameras and guests you couldn't help but to think thank god for teleprompters. You greeted the microphone with a lighthearted joke about your workaholic husband and how he regrets that he had to bow out early.

"As you all are well aware, tonight is a very important night for this foundation. Not only because of the generosity of the donors tonight but also because by the end of tonight each and every one of you will be able to say you made a difference ... In Gotham nonetheless!" You said cheerfully the crowd laughed politely at the speechwriter's attempt at a joke. "Now it is my utmost honor to announce that the proceeds tonight will go directly to building an orphanage for Gotham's most disenfranchised children. Every child needs a place to call home and with your generous donations we here at the Wayne foundation seek to make that ideal a reality. Thank you." You said before handing the mic back over to the host of the evening.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the ever so enchanting Mrs. Wayne." He praised as you stepped off the stage. A round of applause erupted and you gave a small gracious bow to the audience.

'Shit. I should be a politician with the amount of ass kissing I'm giving and receiving tonight.' You thought to yourself behind your charming smile.

The celebratory atmosphere was quickly sliced through when the sound of gunshots rang out through the crowd. Just as quick as you heard the shots, a stab of pain ripped through your chest. It's funny you'd think that your life would have flashed before your eyes or you would have thought about the people you love but all you could focus on was the sound of your heart pounding in your ears. Each heartbeat growing weaker than the last.

"/N] ... Mrs. Wayne! Focus on the sound of my voice. Help's coming alright? Just listen to me ok? God damn it! Aren't any of you overstuffed peacocks a doctor?" A murky voice called out to you. Spots danced across your eyes and your vision blurred obscuring the crowd of doctors and paramedics surrounding you.

Your vision went completely black and you were certain that you were never going to wake up again but the next thing you knew you were slowly coming to in a bright sterile hospital room. The obnoxious beeping pierced through your head like ice picks being shoved into an angry hornet's nest.

"Fuck me." You croaked, squinting at the harsh lighting. Every part of your body hurt. Either someone needed to pump you with more drugs or put a bullet in your brain to finish the job.

"Hey." Bruce whispered gently sitting up from chair he had been sitting in to stand by your side. He gently brushed your hair away from your face.

"What the hell happened, Bruce?" You asked.

"You were shot [Y/N]. It was supposed to be me up there but you were put in their line of fire instead. I'm so sorry. I swear I'm going to make whoever's responsible pay." Bruce promised, his tone darkening with his promise.

"Where are the boys?"

"Hunting." He said simply. "We're all angry about what happened, [Y/N]."

"Any chance you can rein in the cavalry? All I want right now is all of my boys to be here. Almost dying puts shit into perspective, you know?" You said weakly. Bruce's hand moved to firmly grasp yours.

"I'll make the call, Darling. But you know they're all going to be restless until someone is thrown into Blackgate with broken bones and a life sentence." Bruce replied gently.

"I know." You smiled weakly. "I just really want to see my boys right now, Bruce." You said, your voice quivering slightly with the tears that were threatening to overtake you.

"I know, love, I know. They'll be on their way soon." Bruce hushed, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. Your family would be with you soon enough and all would be right in the world. Coming so close to death, you had half a mind never to let them go again.

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