Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: New School


Violet eyes, stared into a mirror with worries, and stress. Her Raven Hair shimmered in some places, and she had a perfect tan. Her hair was in two braids which went in between her behind, an calf. She just stood and stared at her self. she was wearing a white dress shirt, that goes to her knees with a belt in the center, she wore black expandable comperes, and white Converse. She fiddle with her bangs, and finally looked away from the mirror, When she went to grab her black star backpack, a women that looked to be in her early 40's, or late 30's walked in and gave her a hug. The women looked like a older version of the girl, but her hair was shorter an shimmered more, then hers. The women hugged the girl, with a loving embrace. When she let go and put a hand on her daughters right hand, The women flinched at the cold metal, while the girl only stiffed up a bit.

"You'll do fine Mia, there's nothing to worry about." Mia looked at the women who had a knowing smile.

"I know Mama." Mia responded to her mother. Then hugged her. During the hug, she muttered under her breath so her mother couldn't hear. "If you didn't have a metal hand, and people didn't make fun of you." Her eyes darken only to spark a little so she wouldn't worry Nanda, her mother.

"Good, now hurry up so I can drive you to school, or you will be late for your first day at your new school." Nanda demanded in a happy like matter. "Also, I made toast so grab that on your way out to the car, don't want you starving." Nanda walked out of Mia's unfinished room.

Mia looked, at all the boxes she still needs to unpack, before walking out of her room herself. She turned off the light, and shut the door, before walking down the hallway to the kitchen. She quickly grabbed a piece of toast that was on a plate before heading to the front door, while stepping over empty, or unpacked boxes. She locked the door, and jogged to the started car. Siting in the passenger sit, she turned to Nanda, an gave a small smile. "To a new school we go."

*Mia's POV*

I had my hand out the window, as my mom drived in a unknown town, to get me to school. I watched unknown people walking or driving, in the town called Sina. I missed my childhood town, Pine forest. I live there since I was 3, almost 4, and now I'm 15, and coming to a new school, right after winter break. Just perfect.

Soon the car stopped at a massive school, that's was probably 3 times bigger then my old school. I looked at the sign, and read... Sina Freedom School. Home of the "Wings of Freedom". I looked back at the school, then at my mom that was waiting to see how I liked the school.

"Its... Big." I looked back at the school, before hearing my moms door close.

I looked at her confusingly, until she opened my door, to show she was holing a brief case. "I'm going to be the teacher, for the Ancient Greek class they finally installed here." (and no people, this isn't a Percy Jackson crossover) I nodded at her response, before grunting, for I picked Ancient Greek as one of my electives instead of, Performing Arts class, that's has music and drawing combined.

"Really Mom..." I looked at her while getting out of the car and shutting the door.

"Yes really, I need a job and this is the only one I can find, and you also know how I like the Ancient Greek and Roman times." I rolled my eyes, but nodded my head anyways.

I watched as my mom, looked at the time, then looked at me. "You have 20 minutes to get all your stuff figures out, before school starts, and I have to go, so ask around to find the office." I watched as she walked away.

"Well..." I looked at the school." Lets get lost in a big @ss school."


Hello people, I know this is short, but.... I wanted to see how many people actually would want to read this, before I start making a bunch of chapters. Also I hope you enjoy, BYE~


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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