" Hey Max , wait " I walked to catch up to him.

Seeing that the party was still going as normal, I reached Max.

" I'm so sorry Max, I hope your not to mad"

" Shorty, you grazed me I'll live" he chuckled.

" So your boy? what's his name? " I asked.

"Devon , or Dee for short" he said checking his phone. " he's here lemme walk you down."

He grabbed a black jacket and opened the front door.

Following his lead, we made it down in no time, praying I didn't see Roger , I was scared what max would do.

We stepped to a white BMW , the car was so clean , it glistens in the dark, the windows were tinted so I couldn't see the driver , but he stepped out.

Jesus has sent an angel.

Devon stood anywhere to 6'3 to 6'5 , filled with tattoos , low fade, Carmel skinned, and fully formed lips.

He was all that and a bag of chips.

" What's good bro" Max walked to his side of the car, and dapped him up.

" What's good " He said.

By his accent you can tell he was from the south or Texas.

" This is Toya" Max introduced me.

They both walked to my side of the car, Devon reached out his hand.

I shook it.

" Nice to meet you Toya " he said.

" Nice to meet you to .. Devon"

Trying not to blush , I turned my gaze to Max, watching him hold his shoulder, Devon noticed it to.

" Bro you good ?" Devon asked Max.

" I'm straight , yo take her home , imma head back upstairs, hit my cell " he said walking away.

" Will do" Devon replied waking to the car opening the door.

" Goodnight Toya " Max called back.

" GoodNight Max " I said back getting in the car.

Devon closed the door.

The car smelled new, I glanced around to see of he actually did just buy it.

Nope no plastic or floor pads.

Devon got in. He turned on the car and turned off the radio.

" Where you live ? " He questioned, while putting on his seat belt.

" Umm you can drop me off at the Greens market, on Chopsy Road" I replied, putting on my seat belt as well"

" Afraid I might stalk you" he said, pulling off slow.

" No, I just , I don't know , I figure you knew where that was then just saying my address" I chuckled.

Keeping his eyes on the road, I was surprised he didn't look at me one time.

I watched outside the window.

The Ride was silent, as if we both just had an argument. I decided to speak up.

" So you and max are close friends? "I asked .

Still continuing to keep his eyes on the road he spoke.

" Yea .. we been riding since we were in diapers" he turned on his signal light.

I couldn't help but to stare at him , he was soo fine.

He noticed me looking at him and smiled.

" How about you "he asked.

" I just went to school with him since 4th grade , ever since we been cool" I said turning to look out the window.

" That's what's up"

I can tell Devon was the mellow type , he wasn't outspoken, or a wanna be thug, he was laid back , I think that's what drew me to him.

Thinking about me about to have sex with a complete stranger, I felt nasty.

What the hell was I thinking.

Making it to the store, he stopped the car.

" Thank You " I said trying to open the door.

It was locked.

He chuckled.

" My boy said drop you off at home, now unless you live in that dumpster , you can get out" he said looking into his phone.

Laughing in my head at his sarcastic response , I gave in.

" Just pull up and turn right " I said.

He dropped his phone on his lap. And pulled off.

Before he turned the corner I can see police lights, and a ambulance.

What's going on?

Pulling up more I realized it was in front of my house.

" Open the door! " I screamed trying to get out fast.

He unlocked the door, I stepped out, he followed stepping out confused.

I ran to my house.

" Please Mam ' stay behind the yellow tape" an officer directed while pushing me back.

" Please ! this is my house ! , This is my house ! " I tried to get by him.

"Mam' please stay behind the yellow tape, we can't have you go in" he continued to hold me.

Devon catches up.

" Hey , what's going on" he asked.

" There has been an incident" the officer replied.

Still trying to get Past the officers grip, I seen the paramedics come out my front door with a figure on the gurney.

Devon grabbed me, and held me.

I looked as the gurney got close.

" MOM !"


Please comment and vote ! tell me how I am doing so far , any judgements? please give me feedback! thanks for all the votes and reads !


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