Part 1: Greetings To All

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A long time ago, back in the dark ages of witch craft and corruption. There was a lovely town called Salem which was located on the floating islands of Regret. Now Salem was a small town. There was only a population of 15. This town may seem small and happy but one fateful day one of the townies, or people living in Salem, got very sick. With his dying breath he cast a spell on one small tree. This was meant to be a test, for the town was very small, yet ungrateful and the townies want the Islands for them selves. The spell set on the tree was for if this tree is cut down or destroyed in any way, the town will be sent into oblivion. A man needed wood to build his son the biggest tree house in the town so he grabbed an ax, ran up to the tree, and in just three swings the town went oblivious.

The waking sound of the rooster yelling was enough to wake up Damion. As he looked around he noticed he couldn't remember anything accept his name. He looked next to his bed and saw a 22mm rifle. Along with three bullets, 2 white pieces of paper, one labeled last will and one labeled death note, and a feather and ink. A few moments later he heard a knock at his door. A man dressed in a tux was standing at his door.

"Hello, My name is Charels. I hear you are new in this lovely Town of Salem."

"Uh,H-Hi? My name is Damion."

"Oh, well then," chuckled Charels. "Let me show you around the town, Damion." he said in a sort of disgusting manner.

Charels led Damion around the town. In the center of town there was a mast on the top of a platform. Charels said it was for the daily vote. The town was set up in a circular pattern. Damion counted fifteen houses but only thirteen people.

"Hey Charels,"

"Yes, Damion?"

"So I just counted 15 houses but there are only 13 people. Why is that?"

"Well you see, Damion, there are a lot of evil people in this town, such as Craton. She was an insane women who had turned out to be a Witch. She was the first one to die."

"Who was the second?" asked Damion.

"We don't like to speak of him. He was the only one of his role that ever came to this town. We believe if we speak of him the next townie to be rescued will be one." he said in a worried voice as he glared at Damion.

"Now!" continued Charels. "Let's go introduce you to the rest of the town. And seeing as you had a gun on you when Jake healed you I'd say you were Vigilante.

Once Damion and Charels arrived at the center of town, every one was there. Jake the Doctor was happy to see Damion walking healthy. Sarah was a medium. Craige was the jailer of the town. Shane was a spy. The sheriff Betty was happy to see a new town member. A pail looking man by the name of Wheatly was standing in the shadows avoiding the sunlight for some odd reason. Two fellas were sitting at a table dress nicely in a tux just like Charels. Finally at high noon Clous, the town mayor, announced that it as time for the daily meeting.

The Look of a Very Deceiving TownWhere stories live. Discover now