The Beginning

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      "I will just lead you to your new home. If you have any problems you can call this number," the strange man said this as he handed me a piece of paper with writing on it.

   "I don't want to leave. I want to stay. I don't want to leave my Papa's house. Don't make me leave."

          "I'm sorry little girl, but you are going to leave. You will get the money for the house and the garden. You will get twenty-three grand for both the house,the garden, and your parents death."

      "Your not sorry-What-I said your not sorry-but I- you said  but, it cancels out everything you said before that."

    "You are still going to the orphanage."

  As they lead me to my new home I laughed at the sight of them being squished by my stuff, but I cried at the sight of my Papa's house getting smaller and smaller and then finally gone.

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