Her Papa

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     There was a girl that used to play outside and she would find flowers,for her mom.

         "Mother.I got you another flower. I hope Papa likes the way it looks on you. I am going to make tonight special for you and Papa. I am going to set the table and put candles up and"-"Maybe you won't put candles up,also........I can't let you set the table."

         "But I'll be extra careful.I promise."

         "We have to talk Tracy.Your daddy is a little sick, and he isn't going to get better."

   A couple of days later, her dad wasn't better,just like her mother said,but he wasn't alive either.

           "Mother,Mother."She walked into her mom and dad's  bedroom."Mother.What's wrong with Papa?Mother.Mother!"

     Did I forget to mention that her mom wasn't alive either.But that was just the beginning of this girls crazy life.{This girl is sixteen,and she is home-schooled.}

TracyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora