Getting help.

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A/n. Sorry for it being so short.

Bella's pov.

I was standing in the kitchen when I called Jasper.
After 3 rings he answered.

"Hey Darlin' how are you?"

My mind kept running a mile a minute so all I could get out was.
"Victoria is here Jas, I need your help. She has made newborns" and then I just broke down.
I could hear voices and a soothing voice in my ear, but I didn't really hear anything. I guess I had always seen myself as strong, but to keep things bottled up inside me might not have been the best thing to do. I could feel myself stand back up, she would not get to me. Oh no! That bitch would get what was coming to her. It was the Cullen's fault for not taking her down when they had a better chance. I knew it was Edward again that they had all listened to. So it was actually his fault that she was after me.
And me being pregnant, couldn't do much, but damn if I let any of this take me down.

I unfroze and finally heard what Jasper had repeated to me this whole time.

"Breathe darlin', I'm coming. Tell the wolfs I will have tree friends with me. But they hunt criminals. Too of them have saved me and one is a really good friend. We're coming baby girl. Breathe" it made me relax. I remembered him talking about his friends before. I knew we could trust them, so I started talking.

"Thanks Jas, we need you here asap. All the boys are out hunting them now. All I know is they caught too of them last week, but she could have made ten more since then. We don't know how many she has, but one of them said Riley will avenge me, as they took one young man down. I know we had a Riley Beirs go missing about a year ago, but I don't know if it's him. But I thought that if you had Alice close to you you could maybe have her look and see if she can catch something." I took in a big breath. Damn I may have forgotten to breath trough all this.

"Thanks darlin' that's info we can use. Have anything else happened we might be able to use?"

"Uhm well dad said that the crimes in Seattle, oh no' Jasper, many have disappeared and many deaths have happened. It's been all over the news and in papers. Dad said that there has been so much going on that they might close the town off or something. Could they have set up camp there?"

"They might have kiddo, ill look into it on my way. We should be there within 2-3 days. I'll call you as soon as I know something. Tell the guys to be careful. Not to let them get their arms around them and to go from the sides. Newborns never think of that but go straight on. It might help till we get there. I'll Major up and come straight to ya darlin'. Well get them."

"Thanks Jas. Me and my son will be so glad about that." I said with a grin.

"Oh lord, I'm gonna be an uncle? Wow. Atta go kiddo, yes well that just means I'll need to get a few more with me so we can get it done fast. Let me call you tomorrow. I should be able to tell you or the boys more by then.
Love you kiddo, please be safe." He said with so much emotions that I just knew he was so so happy, but also telling me that he would have to bring THEM here.

"I know Jas. I love you too. Just don't let him get close to me. I don't want to have anything to do with him. I know he was the one to tell all of you that she wasn't dangerous. I don't want him near me or my family."

"Oh believe me I know darlin' I'll make sure, I promise. Many in the family is going too feel like we do. I'll call you soon sweetheart."

"Thank you. Bye Jas."

We hung up and I looked back out the window, I saw too of my boys, so I know they heard everything.
They nodded so I would know that they would do as said.

God I really hope they could fix this really soon.
I felt a kick, and looked down with a smile.
I couldn't wait to meet him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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