Chapter 3: Study....Date?

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Chapter 3:

"Hi what's your name?" Asked a very pretty girl.

"I'm yivi. Nice to meet you." I say shaking her hand.

"I'm Bree and these our my... 3 brothers. Leo... Chase... And Adam." She said pointing at each one.

"It's nice to meet you all." I say shaking their hand.

"H-Hi... Uh, weren't you the one who got a A+ in the exam.?" Asked chase.

I nodded slowly. He pouted and walked off.

"Mom and dad are at vacation... We have the home to are selfs. But we still have to follow the rules." Said Leo dropping off his backpack.

I entered their house and it was nice!!! Like a rich person lives here.

"Oh! I wasn't expecting to bring company....- woah! She's pretty! Who are you dating?!" The voice came out of no where.

Then I realized it came from the little computer on the wall.

"I'm not dating anyone... And thank you." I say.

"Alright!!! Can everyone leave?! I need to study! I want to get over it!" Yelled Adam.

"Geez Adam. Trying to get alone time with yivi so you guys can-" Adam cut off chase.

"Get out!"

They all ran up stairs giggling.

Adam took out his homework and I sat next to him.

"Okay. So,... This is math... Anyway. The 3 most important angles you should remember is acute, right and obtuse. Since were are learning about that this week." I say grabbing a pencil.

Hours past and Adam offered me a drink. When he walked off the computer on the wall called me.

"Psst. Psst! Hey yivi!... I think Adam likes you."

"What makes you say that?" I ask.

"Aww come on. Tell me you don't see him the way he looks at you when your not looking, the way he tries to touch your hand, oh and this is my favorite! The way he tries to get your attention than working on the problem."

"Wow.... Wait. You were watching us?"

Adam called me and I walked back to the couch. He put the drink on the table.

But it landed on his shirt first.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" I say walking over to get a napkin.

I walk in front of him and start cleaning his shirt.

Then I felt bumps.... Are those abs?!

I slow down and look up and Adam... His big brown eyes were staring down at me.

"Ahhhh.... Love. Never gets old." I heard the computer say.

I stop and throw the napkin in the trash. I pick up my bags and said goodbye.

That was the best day of my life! I fell in love with a normal teen and I felt his abs!!! But.... I'm still think if I should tell him that I'm a android.

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