Lily's revelation

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This idea was given to me by @rabo2506 in the comments section of another story of mine so this is dedicated to them.
It was the summer of 1971. Lily was playing on a hill with her sister Petunia. The girls were best friends and as close as could be. Unbeknownst to the girls, two figures watched from far away. One, a young magical boy and the other, a man who resembled Lily somewhat. Both were peaked with interest, the boy, at realizing that Lily was a witch and the man at the relationship between the sisters. Both figures were snapped out of their curiosities at the sound of a scream. Petunia was pointing at Lily in horror. Lily appeared confused. She looked down at her hand as she unknowingly made a small daisy grow out of it. Why is Tuney scared, it's just a small flower. She thought to herself. At that moment Petunia, who was across the yard at this point, shrieked,
"You're a freak Lily! A freak!" as she ran back inside. Lily looked on, heartbroken that her sister, her best friend, could be so cruel. It was then that the young Magical boy decided to make his presence known. He stepped out from behind a tree, accidentally startling Lily.
"W-who are you?" She asked in a somewhat shaky voice.
"My name is Severus and I'm like you." The boy replied. Lily visibly relaxed before tensing a little again and saying,
"My name is Lily and what do you mean you're like me? Are you a freak too?"
"No Lily, you are not a freak. You are just very special. A witch." He waited as Lily gasped and her eyes widened. " You're what is called a muggle born witch, meaning that you have non-magic parents." He explained. To prove his point, he took a leaf from the ground, put it in his palm, and made it fly over to her hand. Lily giggled at this.
"So you're a wizard?" She asked.
"I am," Severus replied. "I'm a half blood meaning that I have one magic parent and one not."
"That's cool!" Lily exclaimed.
"Yeah I suppose so," Severus chuckled. "How old are you Lily?"
"I'm 11," she replied
"So am I," Severus said. "That's means we'll be at Hogwarts together."
"What's Hogwarts?" Lily asked.
"It's a school for magical people, witches and wizards. People start their first year when they are eleven and usually finish their seventh year when they are Seventeen, the age of adulthood in our world." Severus explained
"That's so cool!" Lily exclaimed. "I can't wait to go!" Severus chuckled at her excitement. They were becoming best friends already.
The man in the shadows smiled to himself as he watched his mother's life as a child. He was a time traveler and needed to see this moment for himself.
Back at the bottom of the hill, Severus and Lily were laying on the ground cloud watching, while Severus explained more and more about the Wizarding world. She learned about Squibs, Hogwarts, The ministry and so much else. She was excited at the prospect of being a witch but somewhere, deep down, she was terrified that she would wake up tomorrow and it would all have been a dream. At that moment in time, Severus checked his watch and said that he needed to go home, that he'd be late for tea. After he left, Lily's mother called her in for tea. When she got inside she was instantly saddened, her sister wouldn't make eye contact with her and if she did, her gaze was full of disgust and loathing. That broke Lily's heart even further.
Once tea was finished Lily had a little summer reading to do so she sat down to complete it. By the time she had finished, it was dark out and her stomach was grumbling. Her mother called her in for supper and the family ate in relative silence, which was unusual, usually the girls were chatting about what they had done that day but tonight they wouldn't even look at each other. When supper was done, the girls helped clear the table and went into their rooms. Lily read a little bit again, this time for fun, before falling asleep.
She slept well and in the morning when she woke up she was groggy until she remembered Severus, he had told her to meet him at the hill at 12, and they could have a picnic. It was 10:15 at the moment so Lily ate a small breakfast, got dressed, and packed lunch. By then it was 11:30 so Lily wrote a note for her parents and set out for the hill. When she got there it was deserted. She teared up a little afraid that it was all a dream and she had imagined Severus. Her fears vanished when he stepped out from behind and tree and came towards her. He smiled and they hugged. They were very close for having only met the day before. Together they spread out the blanket she had brought and munched on the sandwiches she had made while they talked more about the wizarding world.
Unbeknownst to them, behind another tree stood the other figure from the day before, Lily's son from the future. He smiled as he looked and them, before looking at his own watch. He had to go. For now, Lily was in good hands. She would have a good childhood. No matter how mean Petunia was, she was just jealous. Lily would discover that Petunia was jealous because Lily was special and she wasn't. In a few years time she would meet him and her grandson. He would be her Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and Lily would end up discovering his real identity. Little did Lily know, her and Severus would have a falling out in five years time but he would still love her until he died. Lily didn't know that in her last minutes, just over ten years from this moment, she would be thinking of her son, and she would be at peace. The man smiled once again at her innocence and happiness, and with one final look at his mother and his second son's namesake, he returned to the present.

So, what did you guys think? I actually like this quite a bit. It's my longest "chapter" ever at over 1000 words! I'm happy, leave your thoughts in the comment section below and once again thanks to @rabo2506 for the idea.

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