Peter was smirking, he thought that he had pissed her off again and he absolutely adored that accent so he was extremely happy with that. Naomi noticed it and said, "Don't get too excited, Romeo. I'm not angry."

"Then why is your accent slipping?" He asked her tauntingly, that smug smirk still on his face. He noticed that she was smirking at him as well and frowned as he saw it. He scoffed lightly when he realized it, "You're doing it on purpose."

Her smirk got bigger as she said, "I know you like it."

"So, what? You're going through so much trouble to talk with an accent just because I like it?" He said in disbelieve, a small chuckle following behind it as he raised an eyebrow. "Should I feel honored?"

"Oh, I'm not trying." She said and stood on her toes again to reach his ear, "This is my normal voice." She smiled sweetly and started walking back to the camp, "See you around, Romeo."

Peter bit his lip and chuckled, obviously pleased before he started walking after her, not noticing the looks of the Lost Boys who were all looking at each other with small smirks before continuing their training.


"Who says you are done training?" Peter said as he entered the camp, looking at the back of Naomi who was seated on a large log around a campfire which wasn't lighted at the moment.

"Me, I say." She said and turned around the look at the green eyed boy. She saw him walking towards her and sit down.

Peter chuckled and shook his head no, taking notice of the dagger in her hand as he said, "It doesn't work like that, sweetheart."

Naomi, raising an eyebrow at the new nickname, said, "Then tell me, how does it work?" She tried putting as much sarcasm in her voice as she could.

He smirked and stood up from the log, he looked down at her with a cocky smirk before saying, "You aren't done until I say so." He saw her unamused face and added. "And, love, you aren't done yet."

"You're kidding, right?" She scoffed as she stopped twirling the dagger between her fingers.

Peter chuckled sarcastically, "I don't do jokes." He said, immediately turning serious. "So, get to it."

Naomi looked at him with a glare, if it was one thing that she absolutely hated then that was being ordered around. She gave him a sickening sweet smile as she stood up, the dagger clutched in her hand.

She crossed her arms across her chest as she stood in front of him. Peter raised an eyebrow as he copied her movements, he crossed his arms across his chest as well. He looked down at her as she started talking.

"You know, when I was on my father's ship. I used to talk with a lot of his crewmen. One of them had a very interesting story." Naomi said as she started walking, her arms still across her chest. "He told me that his father was a blacksmith, but always had a strange obsession with archery."

She frowned when she saw Peter taking in a sharp inhale of breath when she said the word blacksmith but decided to shrug it off for now and continued on with her story.

"He told me that his father shot an apple off his head, that guy was obsessed with archery, seriously." She mumbled the last part and walked around Peter in circles as she told the story. "One day, my father had peeked in on our conversation and heard about the apple thing. Of course, he decided to use it as an exercise. He did the same thing, but then with throwing knifes."

Naomi smirked as she looked down at the dagger and twirled it around once more before taking her place before Peter back. She crossed her arms over her chest again.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora