"Are you telling me that your favorite song is Salute?" Niall asked. He was starting to question the loyalty of his friend.

"Hey, don't be like that," Sophia said. "I like the song. It's upbeat!"

"But it's Perrie..." Niall hushed the name, wondering if someone could hear him, but unlikely with the blasting music traveling through the airwaves.

"We like Little Mix, okay?" Sophia giggled. "It's Perrie that we hate!"

"Fine..." Niall scoffed, not believing the words coming out of his friend's mouth.

"This song is perfect for us. Like what the song states, we don't need no man. I definitely don't need Liam, and you certainly don't need Zayn."

Niall agreed with Sophia. The song was speaking to him on a personal level. From now on, he has to face the truth that the relationship was over, but the question still remains to him. Why suddenly, Zayn slept with someone else? Was he getting tired of him? Not that he can blame the guy, ever since they got together, problems rose from one side to another. Niall thought that maybe Zayn got exhausted of fighting and just give up and returned to the normal living.

"I need some water..." Niall mumbled, trying to banish away the anxious thoughts invading his mind. Sophia followed and asked the bartender to give them a full glass of water. She watched as her friend drank the whole thing in one sitting.

"You must be really thirsty."

"I'm just tired."

"Okay then—" Sophia was about to help Niall out of the bar when she heard a voice behind her. She turned around to see a young man grinning at her with cheeks flushed, indicating that the person was indeed intoxicated.

"Hey, gurrrrrl..."

Sophia raised an eyebrow at the hammered boy then glanced back at Niall who just shrugged it off.

"This ought to be good..." Niall chuckled, watching the drunk boy who almost tripped on his feet as he tried impressing the attractive woman in front of him.

"Are you from Japan?" The drunk boy slurred, waving his index finger at Sophia.

"Excuse me?" Sophia scoffed. Irritation was creeping on her.

"Because I want to get inside of your Japanties..." The drunk man winked at Sophia, which she found repulsive. She glanced back at Niall who was trying to hide his laughter. Then she looked back at the stupid drunk man to counter back.

"No, I'm Finnish... Finnish with this conversation."

Niall cackled, watching Sophia put the douche drunk person on where he belongs. "I can't believe you just slammed that guy."

"Ugh, men!" Sophia scoffed, rolling her eyes out as they exit the bar. They had too much fun, and they think it was time to get some rest. "So, fuckin' stupid!"


It has been hours since he fell asleep, Harry felt his head was buzzing when he heard loud banging sound coming from the door. The clock sits on his night table stand indicated that it was already five o'clock in the morning. Who the hell bangs the door like that at early in the morning, Harry thought.

Harry walked from the bedroom to the living room like a freaking zombie. Only wearing black boxer briefs, he dragged himself; his eyes felt heavy, but the deafening sound of the door made his ears want to bleed.

"Coming! Just wait!" Harry yelled, blinking away the sleep. "This better be good!" But he was more than surprised as he opened the door to see Niall standing on the other side of the door.

You Mean The World To Me (Ziall) [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें