Popularity Pt.1

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High school was everything I did not expect it to be.I expected nothing, but happiness and all that delusional shit.

Now here I am, senior year and I'm wondering what the hell happened to everyone?

I remember in middle school no one gave two shits about who's scoring or who gave it up to the football team. We used to run outside, be friends with whoever we wanted to be, but now it's all gone to hell.

Now here I am counting down the days for graduation as I walked down the halls. Life after high school will be breezy, unless you know, I die, but that's pretty far fetched.

"Oof!" I had accidentally bumped into someone  and almost dropped my papers onto the ground.

" I'm sorry,are you alright?" I asked the girl I bumped into. She looked like a lower class men.

"Yea, if you don't breath the same air as me." She snorted, before walking around me.


Thank god, I only have a few more months of this hell hole. Right after I get my diploma I'm going to go far away from this town, maybe even become a barista.

"Hey~ Y/N!" I heard that assholes voice ring.

I turned and instantly dropped my papers,when I collided with Lewis' chest.

"Someone's rather clumsy as usual."He taunted.

"Dick." I muttered under my breath, picking up my papers.

"What the hell did you say to me?!" He became hostile.

" Nothing!" I quickly said before walking off and to the table my two friends sat at.

"Hey, guys."

" Hey, Y/N." Erin and Ian spoke in together.

Erin and I both met in freshman year, aka the year her and Ian, got together.

Ian and I have been friends since , well, forever. Pretty much since my mother and his had us in their wombs.

"We're still hanging out tonight,right?"Erin asked.

" Yea, as long as Ian brings my all time fave." I smirked.

"Honestly, Y/N, how the hell do you eat it? It tastes like burnt rubber."He gave me a disgusted look.

" Don't you even dare diss the black licorice McKinley." I warned him." What are we even watching tonight?"

" Halloween." Erin answered.

"Again? Dude I can pretty much recite the whole script with my eyes closed." I chuckled as she rolled her eyes playfully.

"It's fun seeing teenagers die in stupidly avoidable ways." She told me.

"Emo fags!Go have an orgy elsewhere!" I heard that familiar voice holler as they hit Ian in the back of the head with a paper ball.


"Hey! Apologize to him right now!"I hollered back as he approached our table.

Ian and Erin had their eyes on me curiously.

" Repeat that." He said threateningly, looking down at me.

"Apologize to him. Now."

The tension in the air could almost be cut by an knife.

He laughed and I felt humiliated.

"You one funny girl , you know that. 'Apologize to him now!'" He mimicked me before walking away.

I felt an headache occur and I picked up my papers.

" I need to use the restroom." I said.

"Y/N wait ,it's not that-" I didn't care what Ian had to say as I made my way to the restroom.

Oh, and how lucky I was.

There stood Ashley and Ashlynn.

Hottest bitch's in school.

Not my favorite people, but not the most annoying.I actually used to be friends with them at one point in middle school, but left the group, because how they tried to encourage me to wear a thong in 9th grade.

Yeah, that wasn't going to happen.

" Oh my gosh. Y/N is that you?" Ashley asked me and I internally groaned.

How could they not recognize me? I literally had a project with Ashley last week.

" I couldn't recognize you for those caterpillars for eyebrows."Ashlynn finished.

Okay, is this the day in which everyone insults me?

" We could help you with your well...everything..."Ashley addressed.

" That's really nice, but..."I trailed off.


This could be a great thing.

If they helped me with my looks for this one day, then I won't have to worry about anyone picking on me.

"Okay." I said.

They squealed with delight as they both went through their bags.

Ashley pulled out tweezers while Ashlynn pulled out an eyelash curler is it?

This was going to be a long session.

Ian McKinley ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora