Crazy teacher with anime

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hello students! Were gonna fuck up a fresh water student!, so if anyone wants to voulnteer

that is a fresh water who would like to come up!? *Ugly ass fresh water student raises hand*

*Teacher looks at ugly ass fresh water student* Oh looks like we gotta voulnteerer.

*ugly ass kid walks up in front of classroom* "Hello friends!" *Ugly ass freshwater student

farts purpose and teacher looks at fresh water student* "Uhm fresh water did you just

fart?" the teach asked, *fresh water student looked at teachs face* "N-no why would i?" *Teacher has a

fucked up face* "Well that means someone has been watching anime with fart noises!" all kids look at the teacher,

Some random kid says "Anime? dafaq is anime?" Another random kid said "OH MY GOD! SHITS GONNA

GET REALLLL!" \( o u o \) *Kids freak out about anime* (/ o u o )/ "Teacher! i found a phone that has anime

playing on it!" *Teacher walks up to kid* "Hmmhm! whos phone is this! TELL ME OR THIS PHONE

IS GONNA GET BURNED!" Kid shouts "ME!" *Tweacher walks up to kid * "so it was you!" teacher yells,

Kid answers " No! but the fart noise wasn't me! it was the freash water student!" *Fresh water runs

outta the classroom and teacher runs after fresh water* "COME HERE YOU LITTLE FUCK!"

*Fresh water runs like sonic and teacher starts to walk* *HEAVY ASS BREATHING* "Come here you little

FUCK!!!!" *erza pops outta no where* Erza asks the teacher "Whats duh problem teacher" *Teacher

points at fresh water* Erza quickly answers "OK!" *Erza catches up to fresh water* "Hey so your

an fresh water huh? you seem to fast for one Ahahaa!" Fresh water answers "i ain't a fresh water i'm...

A DRAGON SLAYER ERZAAAAA!!!" *Erza backs up from dragon slayer and thinks ( How did a

dragon slayer get here sense theres only 7 dragons...DOES THIS MEAN THERES A 8TH SLAYER?! )

*Erza fucking calls all fucking anime peoples (Attack on titan, Kyoukai no kanata, Sao, Fairytail, freeh,


anime person yells "OKIE ERZAAAAA-SUNNNN!"

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