Friends With Benefits

Start from the beginning

"Keith," I groused, "Do you know what time it is? Go to bed."

Rustles of movement voiced through the receiver and for a quick second I almost assumed he was going to say that I was right. The sounds of a zipper proved me wrong. "I can be there in five minutes."

"What part of go to bed don't you understand?"

A simple laugh was given along with a raunchy response, "The part where I'm not balls deep inside of you. C'mon Baby, I haven't seen you in three days. I miss you."

My heart thrummed so loudly, I'm surprised it didn't beat its way out of my chest. He knows exactly what to say to get a submission out of me, and I hate it. Toying with my emotions like it's just a game, and I'm the pieces that he controls. "You miss my pussy. We haven't talked as friends since we started being friends with benefits."

"Yes, we have. Quit exaggerating."

"Exaggerating," I repeated, with every ounce of hostility that coursed through my veins, "I'm exaggerating? We haven't even had our regular movie nights like we used to. We don't kick it anymore because every time you come over, our clothes end up on the floor."

I sighed and ran my fingers over my closed eyes. If I didn't calm down, hurtful words would spill out and I don't want to break this friendship more than it already is. So, I continued, this time with a serene demeanor. "You know I still have feelings for you and I'll always be around. But, I don't think having benefits – or even being friends for that matter, is the right idea anymore. I'm sorry that this was said over the phone."

Dryness coated my eyes with the prominent urge of sleep, making sure that whatever Keith said after my confessions went unnoticed.

* * *

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The thumps multiplied with each second, increasing in beats per second and volume until the knocks were unbearable. I groaned in frustration and rolled over to look at my alarm clock perched on top of the night stand. Four in the morning! I haven't even been asleep for thirty minutes. Maybe if I ignore it, the person will go away. Who knows how long they've been knocking anyway?

Speaking of who's – who, in their right mind, bangs on someone's door this early... Jesus Christ, Keith.

A slew of grumbled curse words flew freely as I got up from my warm bed. Slippers on the side of my bed were suddenly preoccupied with my feet while I drowsily trudged downstairs in nothing but an old 76ers basketball jersey that barely covered half of my thighs and boy shorts.

The goosebumps that rose over my arms, despite the draft, came from the unwanted anxiety of what would happen once I opened the door. Would he blow his own head off for screaming too much or would get on bended knee and ask for a second chance at a friendship? Becoming boyfriend and girlfriend is never going to be among one of the options, no matter how much I wished it was.

Taking in a shallow breath, I undid the locks and wrapped my hand over the knob to swing the door loose.

Keith stood perfectly still at the edge of the threshold, one hand tucked safely in the pocket of his denim jeans, while the other was still in the air as if it still wanted to assault my door.

"Are you gonna let me in."

"No, I'm not. Go home, Keith. Right now," I asserted with a heavy yawn.

If I tried shoving the door closed, the muscled exertion coming from Keith pushing in the opposite direction would immediately make me lose that battle. So, I'll just stand here until he leaves. There go my plans of sleeping in this morning.

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