Chapter 28- In Between Dreams

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"Leave him Legolas," Feren said.

"Hold her down," Iellwen grabbed herbs and elven medicine, applying them to Catalina's wounds. "Hold her I said!"

Catalina writhed, and the maids struggled to hold her down because of her strength. Feren came and held her shoulders firmly.

"Fallana sina rusva soun, fallana i' panta harwa, anfaug de he' sakkata, stora i' agar, Ar' lei he' coia no'."

Catalina's labored breaths stopped, and her eyes closed. Her body went limp, but her sense of hearing was not completely gone yet.

"Atara, naa re ba (Mother is she dead)?" One of the maid's daughters cried, and Legolas's eyes widened.

"No Tilda, she's just unconscious. It is better this way. Her body will heal now. She feels no pain now."

Legolas and Feren sighed in unison, relieved beyond expression.

Once the maids had bandaged each major wound, Iellwen nodded to Feren to deliver the princess to her former room.

"Will she survive?" Legolas asked as Iellwen began dabbing at Catalina's cuts and bruises.

"We'll see Prince; it is up to her now."


"It is good to see you My Lords, My Lady. Do come in."

"How does the child fair?"

"She is growing well My Lord. Her eyes are bright with a healthy sparkle. Unfortunately, she cries quite often. I believe the malnutrition has taken a great toll. Oh dear, excuse me, she's crying again."

"Lady Remethiel?"

"Yes My Prince?"

"What have you named her?"

"Manwathiel. It was supposed to be our new baby's name, but unfortunately it was lost."

"I am sorry."

"Don't be...."

"She has beautiful eyes, so green like the little truffles outside."

"Indeed they are. Would you like to help me sing to her so she'll rest those tired little eyes?"

"Yes ma'am, what song?"

"The one your mother sang to you."


"I'll help you."


Catalina woke to the sound of quiet singing and a warm cloth over her eyes and forehead. Pain still lingered in her back and middle, and there seemed to be more bandaging than there was herself.

She listened to the voice sing and stroke her hair, a sadness accompanying the woman's voice.

"Iellwen?" Catalina squeaked, her throat tight and dry.

The cloth over her eyes lifted and Iellwen looked down at her. "Don't speak, you'll make the blood come up again."

Catalina ignored her, "what happened, how did I get here?"

"I told you to keep quiet, but since you asked, I know not the slightest thing about how you got here. You were simply carried in by Feren and I cared for you."

"Has Odin sent anyone to retrieve me?"

"No," Iellwen sighed and placed the cloth back over Catalina's eyes. "I told you to keep quiet."

Once Upon A Dream (Thranduil Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin