Chapter 1

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AN: Hey guys :) I haven't written anything in like 2 years but I got the urge to write again, so I spent time thinking of ideas and here's one of them. I will try my best to keep up with the whole updating thing but I hope you guys like the story

And all hate will be blocked (I'm open to constructive criticism though)

And a picture of Jade is on the top/side

u  n  e  d  i  t  e  d 

Ow. What the hell was that?  I heard the faint sound of voices, but other than that, everything was silent as I tried to open my eyes. I blinked a couple times, attempting to get my eyes adjusted to the light to figure out what was going on. My head was hurting and there was actually light shining into the room, there was no way I was in my own room.

Adjusting my eyes, I looked around to see red and pink flowers spread across the walls of the room and a bed with plain white sheets and a blanket. Other than this, the room was bare, leaving me to wonder where the hell I was and how I managed to get myself into this position. I've never seen this room before.

I went to get up when I heard a clink and a tug at my right wrist. Handcuffs? Isn't this just wonderful.

"Oh finally. You're awake! I was starting to get a little worried from how long you were passed out. We made sure Matt knew your weight so obviously he isn't doing his job correctly." A girl- no woman- with black hair stepped into the room and shrugged as she said this, like we were having a completely ordinary conversation. I had to admit, she was absolutely gorgeous. Wait what are you talking about Jade? You have no idea who this woman is and for all you know, she could be the reason that you're stuck in this position right now.

"Not much of a talker, are you?" My head snapped up to look at her smirking face in realization that I've been staring at her this whole time. How long have I been looking at her?  "I guess not. That's not a problem though, you'll come around eventually. For now, let me just introduce myself and explain why you're here."

She looked at me expecting an answer, but sighed when I just stared waiting to see what type of explanation she could possibly have for me being in handcuffs in a strange room. "Well you've probably noticed by now that you're in a very unfamiliar place with no knowledge of how you got here." She smirked down at me while I just stared back up at her, trying to remain completely emotionless.

"My name is Lauren Steele and you, my baby girl, have been taken here upon my father's request." Only now did I let any emotion break through, scrunching up my eyebrows, becoming even more confused and waiting for the rest of the explanation. "My father doesn't completely believe in love, he wants me to have it, but only with the girl of his choice."

"So when I hit the age of eighteen about four months ago, my father had some of his men go on a journey to find me a girl who would be suitable for his liking. This, Jade, is where you come into the picture." She sat on the other side of the bed looking at me as if she was expecting an answer, but I just stared at her waiting for the rest of the 'story'. Not like I'd be able to do anything else if I wanted to.

"After about a month of searching, my father's men showed him a list of possible girls. From this list, he was able to narrow it down to one girl," the woman- Lauren- stood up and started pacing the length of the room as she finished the sentence, looking straight into my eyes, "you." My breath caught a bit in my throat as I bit my tongue, trying not to let any emotion show through yet.

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