Chapter 5

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     (Flashback chapter)

"Rebekah, I really don't want to go. Even Klaus says its too dangerous for me." Winnie pointed out as the vampire handed her a blue gown.

"I'll be there to protect you if anything happens. Its a just a room of vampires, which are weak in comparison to me, you need to go to this party." Rebekah reassured the human.



Winnie walked down the steps of the house, into the crowded area. Elijah spotted her quickly and rushed over to her.

"Why are you here?" Elijah questioned.

"Rebekah said I needed to have fun... so she let me come to this"Winnie gestured her hands around."party."

"You shouldn't be here. You can get hurt. And if Niklaus see's you here, he'll have a fit." Elijah huffed. Winnie, over time, had become an important person to the Mikaelsons. They cared for her, even offered to turn her, yet she refused. She didn't want to become something that feeds on blood just so they could survive another decade of unnecessary life. They said that if at anytime, she were to change her mind, one of them would turn her in a second.

"Elijah, I'll be fine. I had vervain so nobody can compel me or drink my blood. Thank you for caring" Winnie smiled and walked off, next it was Klaus to bombard her.

"Winnie. You sho-" Winnie cut the Original off. "Nik, please. Just let me have fun, at least for a few minutes." She sighed. He sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Well, Love, if you want to have fun, don't stay here on your lonesome." Niklaus smirked, holding his hand out to the human. She smiled, putting her hand in his and he lead her to a less crowded spot. The two danced together, she was genuinely glad that Rebekah had forced her to go. Winnie looked up at Niklaus, facination resting upon her features. She was baffled by the man, how he can be so cruel to some but so kind to others. The Original was curious about her. She irritated him very much at points but he wondered why she didn't have a speck of want towards vampirism. They looked into each others eyes, thinking such different things. That was the last moment of peace Winnie had as a human.

A wrist covered her mouth and pulled her back from Niklaus. Fear eminent in both Winnie's and Klaus's eyes. The taste of blood filled her mouth and it disgusted her.

"Give me the bracelet!" The man yelled at the original. Winnie couldn't see her attacker which caused her even more fear.

"No. Let her go." Klaus shouted, everyones attention on the scene.

"I'll turn her, I know this one means a bit to you. So give me the damn bracelet."

"No, I don't have it." Klaus sighed desperately looking in Winnie's eyes. The man shrugged and simply twisted her neck quickly. The girl crumpled to the floor, lifeless for the moment. Niklaus growled angrily, Elijah and Rebekah gasped. They knew she didn't deserve this, and that she'd probably beg to have a stake shoved into her heart to end the mostly endless life ahead of her. Or just, not even drink human blood and suffer as she dies. But that was not her case.


Winnie drank human blood as the Mikaelsons watched sadly. She dropped the body in her arms and sighed.

"Woah.." Winnie said excitedly as she began to fell much better, her senses growing. The new vampire ran over to Rebekah hugged her, then sped around the house until she was caught in a sunny room. A scream escaped her mouth as she hid in a corner.

"That's not nice." She sighed.

"Come over here quickly, I will go fetch us a witch to get you a ring." Elijah chuckled at the girls expression.Winnie ran across the room back into the dark hallway, groaning at the burns that were quickly healing.

After Elijah gave her the ring, Winnie asked a risky question.

"Who was the man who killed me?"  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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