Chapter 1

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"One upset stomach and all this stupid drama is ancient history." The pregnant woman lifts the cup to her lips

"Yet you lose your first child and your last if you take any more risks like this in the future, dearest Hayley" A girl appeared beside the stressed woman, causing her to jump and nearly drop the cup .

"Who are you—" Hayley began but was cut off by a rustle in leafs behind them. Hayley looked back then got up.

"Dumb move, coming into the quarter you're coming with me wolf." A tall vampire appeared, causing the still mysterious girl to stand up, glaring at him.

"I have had it up to here with vampires telling me what to do!" Hayley growled splashing the tea onto his face.

"Ouch that's gotta sting" The girl said as the man groaned holding his face. As Hayley turned around two other vampires appeared, yet were quickly taken down by Rebekah.

"Now that is no way to treat a pregnant lady, I do hate bad manners" The blonde said, making the unknown vampire chuckle as Rebekah threw the heart down.

"Now who are you and how do you know my name?" Hayley turned to the seemingly younger girl.

"Winnie, pleasure to meet you. And I hear names when I'm doing my morning stroll. Not everything includes a backstory" Winnie shrugged.

"Well you're coming with us then" Rebekah stated

"This is why I told you to never leave the house. Werewolves are banned in the quarter, I had a plan and your little nighttime stroll, put it all in peril." Klaud began. Rebekah started walking towards the bodies

"Leave him! You've done enough don't you think? Leaving a trail of bodies like a road map to my door?" Klaus shouted angrily

Winnie's grin slightly grew as Rebekah went off on him, and yet it fell when Klaus got angry once again, telling her what his plans were, and what he did. She finally zoned back in once he started dragging one guy back inside.

"No more questions? No? Good. Because I have a question for Hayley and about this one and why she hasn't been killed yet." Klaus gestured to Winnie but continued towards Hayley.

"What were you doing in the bloody French quarter in the first place." Hayley didn't answer right away. "Answer me!"

"Leave her be." Rebekah started to defend.

"You wanna know what I was doing? I was buying poison so I could put your little baby out of its misery" Klaus sped up to Hayley and held her by the neck against the wall.

"Nik, Nik!" Rebekah shouted before pushing him away and against the banister. Winnie went to Hayley as she slid down the wall, filling her lungs with air once again.

"Are you alright?" Winnie asked, concerned for the woman she just met.

"Keep your hand off her! She's pregnant for gods sake!" Rebekah shouted at Niklaus before letting him down.

"All of this bluster about not wanting the child and then the second she tells you she's ready to get rid of's okay to care, it's okay to to want something. That's all Elijah was trying to tell you.. all he's ever wanted for you. All we've ever wanted." Rebekah spoke.

Winnie felt as if she should go, desperate to leave from the odd family moment, yet she watched. Niklaus sighed,defeated, sitting down on the stair, Rebekah following. Winnie had so many questions, that could not be answered yet as she knew it was bad timing, but that had never stopped the curious girl before.

"I gave Elijah to Marcel.." Klaus spoke up. Winnie saw the blondes concern, and her siblings response. After the man walked out Winnie began walking out too, when Hayley stopped her.

"Thank you." Hayley simply said

"I did nothing, except for wonder this entire time why I haven't been killed" The girl shrugged.

"That's because you haven't done anything against us yet." Rebekah started then stared Winnie down. "But if you do, I, personally, will shove a table leg through your heart"

"Then I won't do anything against you, but atleast let me have the dignity of being killed by something better than a table leg." Winnie smiled then walked out of the beautiful house.

Sorry for the crappy first chapter, and sort of lack of main character but  I wanted her to be introduced in this episode so... 😐Thanks for reading😁

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