The Way It Came To Be

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Sheera's POV:
It was an Autumn afternoon in a small town near Sacramento, California. I was walking down to the pizzeria on the edge of town to get my usual, a slice of pineapple pizza with banana peppers, jalapenos and sausage, when I ran into an old friend. I didn't recognize him of course, and in my typical manner started to apologize left and right. After I had gotten done with my apology, the assumed stranger says "Sheera is that you!?" A bit shocked I asked how he knew my name. After a moment, the stranger says "Don't you remember me?" When I nodded my head "no" it dawns on the mysterious stranger that it has been awhile since he has been here, so he introduced himself as Adym Yorba. I instantly recognized the name as that was the name of my former best friend of almost 13 years. "Damn he got hot" I thought, well at least I thought I though it, until Adym started chuckling. Realizing that I spoke it rather than thought it made my sun kissed skin go red with blush. I turned away from Adym, only for him to grab me and turn me back around to face him again. Adym had asked me where I was headed, and was surprised to find that we were headed to the same place. He then asked if I minded if we could walk together and catch up. Being the kind person I am I couldn't say no, so for the next 10-15 minutes or so we walked and chatted until we reached our destination. Once we got to the table we used to sit at together every Friday, we ordered our pizza and continued our conversation over everything that had happened over the 4 years he had been gone.


Adym's POV:
I can't believe that of all people to run into, I run into Sheera. Better yet that we were going to the same place we used to go to every Friday. I guess things don't change much in a small town. After we had finished our pizza, I asked her back to my place so that we could continue talking some more. God she's more beautiful than ever, no wonder everyone gushed after her looks. After about a minute of staring, I finally realize she was talking to me. Damn it's been a minute since we've talked, I could listen to her talk all day. She agreed to walk with me since she said that she didn't have anything else planned for the day. Today is taking a turn for the better, and I couldn't be happier than I am at this moment.

Sheera's POV:
Adym's been starring at me ever since we left the pizzeria, not that I'm complaining or anything because he is beyond gorgeous now, but it's odd to say the least because we were friends for 13 years before he left for LA. I wonder if he's thinking about me the way I am of him right now, or does he just want our friendship back.


We arrived at Adym's place about 10 minutes ago and now we're just talking about his music and if it's hit off yet. Of course him being him, he lights up when we start on this subject, because we both know that for the longest time his passion was always music. After he tells me about his experiences and what not, he switches the topic over to me. I tell him about my many attempts with relationships, and how every single one has ended with the "it's not you it's me" crap or I find out that I am being cheated on. Adym listens intently and when I finish he tells me "Baby girl I would never do that to you, you are so much more than some girl to me." The next thing I know, Adym is kissing me passionately, and I am kissing him back with as much fire and passion. We both stop to take a breath and Adym, to my surprise, is apologizing. I tell him that it's Ok, I get my purse and I am about to walk out the door, when Adym stops me and hands me a slip of paper with his number and the words "Please text me" written on it. I walk out of the door smiling like an idiot, and basically jumping for joy my entire walk home. . .

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