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The birds were singing their harmonies and annoying the fuck out of me.

Why today birdies? I'd enjoy your beautiful songs, but today I feel like shit.

I made a move to get up, but I was caged up in a strong grip. I squirmed around trying to get out of it, and successfully I did it without waking Angelo up. God did he look sexy when he slept. His hair was messy and lips slightly parted as he breathed in and out from his pink chapped lips. I should lick them to... you know get them undry??? I barely realize how big he was as he laid on the queen sized bed. His feet hanged off the bed as his body took in a lot of space. Someone went through an extensive growth spurt. Puberty has done him right while I'm still waiting.

I stretched and went towards the bathroom and took a nice hot shower. My muscles relaxed and my mind was off thinking about stupid things. It was those thinking routes I try to avoid, but I just think about it, you know. It involved those problems I've tried to avoid. They were unfortunately hard to leave my mind and pried randomly.

I washed out all of the good stuff out, and I put some good smelling body lotion rubbing it in. It was sweet smelling and refreshing on my skin. The relaxing shower seemed to chase off the God forbidden hanger I despise.

I was lightly singing as I wrapped the towel around my figure looking around.

Hmm, clothes, clothes, clothes.


Eh, whatever.

I went in my room and quietly made my way towards the messy suitcase that contained my clothing. I pleaded my daddy to unpack for me, but no. He was a meany.

Quiet as a ninja with the stealth and sneakiness of one, I went right towards my drawer that contained my undergarments. Unfortunately it was right next to my bed which was occupied by a hot blooded teenage guy.

I didn't think he was a heavy sleeper, but it seems so as his chest steadily and calmly raised and fell.

Hmm... my Spongebob set or my pink lingerie that had wicked black bows.

"You should wear the Spongebob ones," A sleepy husky voice suggested making me jump and almost die of a heart attack.

"Don't ever do that," I huffed as he laughed at me. Husky, masculine, and dare I say sexy. It was weird that he even got into the sexy category, that was reserved to mwuah!

I was lucky enough that I didn't let go of my towel. I would've murdered him. Ofcourse id cover up first. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me naked even if it was his last moment of life. The clear disappointed was clearon his face. He received a threatening glare in return.

"Awe, I wanted to see boobs," he whined roaming his eyes over my skimpy form. "And yours look like their firm and packing not lacking at all." What a pervert! I watched as his eyes were glued to my covered chest. Such violation openly displayed! Where are the gentlemen in this world?

"Go jerk off to some porn pervert," I shot at him walking into the restroom.

"Why would I do that when I could see it right here?"

"Haha, never," I plainly retorted scoffing.

I quickly changed and put the pink ones on. Ha, like I was going to listen to him.

He was stretching and smirked at me as he passed me going into the restroom. "Reverse psychology always works," He muttered before closing the door.

Damn him.

I sighed slightly annoyed. I was so tempted to change my undergarments, but I was cursed with a laziness that not even a potion of smugness I'd feel if I were to do it would motivate me.

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