₪ 8: Past :8 ₪

Start from the beginning

"It's her! She is the one who destroyed the island!"

"No you have to be wrong! She didn't do anything!"

"I looked after you.. I know you didn't do anything! You're innocent!"
Your eyes widened.

You hugged him.

"Kenta...I'm sorry...you're gonna be fine..don't worry!.."
"The wound is too deep.. I'm sorry to leave you like this.."

The man said.

A man took you by your collar. You saw how Kenta's eyes slowly closed..


The man trew you in a river. But for some reason..you couldn't swim..

Kenta wasn't the only one who died that day...

₪ Flashback of what happend on Foro Island ₪

"Mom, dad, I'm going to Misaki and Yuka."
"Okay, but be back before dark!"
"I will!"

You left your house and met Misaki on your way.

"Hey Misaki!"
"Where is Yuka?"
"She's on her way. She had to do some housework before she could leave."
"Ow, I see..so..where is this picnic?"
"Don't be so hasty! We've still got some time!"
"Yeah yeah,"😏😏

After fifteen minutes Yuka arrived at our meeting place.

"I'm sorry I'm late, guys.."
"Don't worry, the picnic isn't going to run away. It's just at the end of road that goes in the woods."
"Let's go then!"
You said.

"Hey! Wait up!"
"The last one is a rotten egg!"
"That's not fair!"

You were the first one and Yuka was the last one.

"I guess that I'm the rotten egg?.."
You and Misaki laughed.

You suddenly heared shots...

"Misaki? It isn't hunting season, is it?"
"I don't know.."

Misaki looked through the bushes.
But turned around a few seconds later.

"I don't see-"

She was interrupted by a bullet that pierced through her neck.
She fell down to the ground.

Yuka shouted.

But she got hit as well.


You didn't move. You stared at the two girls...

"Hey look! We hit our target! My wife is gonna be so proud!"

A few men ran your way. You looked at them angry.

"Oh no.."
"What have you done! You will pay!"

You ran towards them.

"You will pay!"

You pulled a shotgun out one of the men's arms and began to shoot.
You were so angry... You shot every living thing there was. And not only in the forest. Also on the street.
It was like you went crazy.

"Bring my friends back!...Stay away!... Leave me alone!"

A few people called your parents.
But you kept shooting... Every person you saw...

"Darling stop thi-"

You shot someone...but then realised it was your own mother..


You only felt more anger.



Nobody survived that day..not even your own parents...

The whole island was covered in blood.. It wasn't a big island..but still..
It was quiet...awfully quiet...

You wandered to the end of the island.
You saw land..a few meters away..
You fell unconscious in the water that separated the island from the mainland...
You floated on the surface of the water.

"Hey...Are you okay?"

You opened your eyes and saw a guy holding you.

"I..I don't know.."
"My name is Kenta...what happend?"

You didn't remember.. You only remembered your name..

"I don't know..."
"What's your name? Do you remember your name?"
"My..name?...yeah..I remember that.."
"Could you please tell me? I can take you to a hospital."


(Yukine x reader) Regalia ✓ [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now