New York (One Direction)

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Zana is a normal girl going to school and living in New York City. She does normal things like shop, eat more than she should and regret it later, sleep, oh yeah and befriend the world's biggest boy band. But that's just a side note really. The day she decided to sip hot coco like a mature adult in an upscale cafe was the day her life was changed forever. From talking to herself in her head, to saying the wrong things out loud she's quite something and everyone sees it. Especially Harry Styles who takes a special interest in her but her morals get in the way. Her head says "Screw morals and buy a push-up bra" her heart says "stop being a whore". This is the hilarious account of how she learned to deal with her 5 new best friends Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam and Louis.


Written by zanajjar!

The main character and I are so alike tbh lol

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