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I wake up disorientated and unsure if my surroundings, I try to move to see where I am but something squeezes round my waist as I do. I look over my shoulder and see Elvis' eyelashes begin to flutter open.

Oh man. That's where I am.

I hold my breath without realising and turn away from him again.

"Mornin'." He greets me letting go of my waist to stretch out on the bed.

"I don't think it's morning." I say as I roll into my stomach to face him.

He tilts his head down and smirks at me. I lift one eyebrow at him before looking at my watch.

"Shit! It's 2.30! My sister is probably worried sick!" I worry as I untangle myself from the sheets trying to get up as fast as I can.

I flail about as I look for the nearest phone. I spot one on Elvis' nightstand. I look at him probably in a half-crazed manner. He's laughing at me, I frown in return and nod towards the phone.

"Go ahead." He suppresses his laugh now.

I quickly dial my home number to get in touch with my sister.

After a few rings she picks up. "Hello?"

"Hey sis, it's me Lily!" I tell her in a hurry, I knowing she is gonna be mad at me.

"Lily, where the fuck have you been?" She screams down the phone at me, I pull it away from my ear and wince.

"I stayed at the hotel." I tell her.

"All damn night? With Elvis?!" She doesn't scream this time but she is beyond angry.

"Look, yes alright but nothin' like that. Don't get on my damn case." I tell her getting a bit annoyed at her.

She is not my mother.

"Well are you coming home tonight or are you..?" She snaps.

"I'm coming home. I'll be home after my shift. Just don't be nasty about it. I'll see you later." I tell her before hanging up the phone.

"Someone in trouble?" Elvis props himself up on his elbow to look at me.

"Just a bit." I sigh as I sit on the edge of the bed next to him.

He swings his legs over the side of the bed to sit next to me, my naked thigh touching his silk clad one.

"It'll be alright. We should get dressed and something to eat." He pats my knee before pushing himself up and heading for the bathroom he must have used last night.

I make my way into the bathroom I'd used and quickly showered with my hair tied back so it didn't get wet. I don't want to mess about drying it.

When I step out I dig into my bag for my work clothes. I quickly dry and dress before applying my make up.

That's better.

I brush through my hair and decide to leave it down until I have to actually go down to work.

I get to the door and stop. I panic. This is the whole morning after thing, I know we didn't drink last night or have sex but I'm not sure I know what to say. What do you say to a man you spent the night with but not in the way anyone would expect?

Am I a disappointment?

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair one last time and pick up my bag before reentering Elvis' room.

He is sat in black slacks and a black v neck and is reading his book again. Not noticing that I've come in. He's so beautiful.

I slept next to that!

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