The kiss

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I was trying my hardest to have fun at this park but I couldn't stop thinking about what happened 2 years ago. I mean I told her I loved her and never got a response.
"Hey what's wrong? You look sad, not a fan of parks?" she giggled I loved her laugh
"Um no it's just... do you remember 2 years ago, after I told you I was moving and I said I loved you? Well for 2 years now I have been constantly thinking about what you were going to say."
She froze and got really quite
"Nash I was going to say I felt the same way, but-"
I didn't let her finish and I couldn't help it. The very second he said she felt the same way I kissed her. I wasn't thinking but I just pulled her in and kissed her, but she didn't kiss back. WAY TO GO NASH just being and idiot again.
"We'll I was going to say 'but I know you don't feel that way anymore' but never mind." she smiled at me.
"Well maybe we should go back, talk more tomorrow?"
She nodded so we started to walk back. The whole way I was grinning ear to ear, starting tomorrow I could finally have the girl of my dreams.

A/N so sorry this was a short chapter but I need your help for my next chapter. So leave a comment below if you think ether
A.) Cameron saw Nash kiss Carson and he starts a fight with him
B.) Taylor tells Carson he loves her (making a love triangle thing)
C.) she tells Nash she Doesn't want to be with him right now.
So comment and I'll pick the one with the most votes Monday and write it into the next chapter
Also remember

Cameron's sister (Cameron Dallas and Nash Grier fan fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें