The Perfect Distraction

Start from the beginning

The way his hand slowly moves,dragging across my stomach

skillfully unbuttong my coat. Slowly dipping under my shirt -now that I'm standing with my back to his chest- burning trails with the slightest graze of his finger tips up toward my chest.

" leon" my voice was breathless he continued completely ignoring me trailing kisses up the side of my jaw. If he kept this up my self control would be demolished and knowing our luck the most stuck up rich women in this building would catch us and he'd be in deep trouble. " Leon" I cover his hands with mine pausing their movements before he could reach my chest. In reply he mumbles against my neck.

" not here" groaning he reluctantly pulled away but still held me against him. I knew why, I could feel it rubbing against my lower back. Knowing how excited he was only increased my fire burning from the pit of my stomach to my core.

" your right" he sighed. Pressing his lips to my temple. " the people here are much to prestigious and besides someone may hear us" the doors open with a ding he unwraps himself from me taking my hand to lead the way.

" wait your not the only ... Living here?!"

"nope" I looked at his back shocked. I knew he wasn't the only vampire in new York, being a dark crowded city it's one of the more popular spots. But I never even gave thought to other vampires in this building.

" but don't worry the builder of this place was a vampire he made sure to thicken the walls."

" was? Did he die?" he dug into his back pocket pulling out his keys unlocking the door.

" yes he died afew years after he finished this place." he opened the door gesturing for me to go in first. The lust still glows in his eyes as I slip passed him his eyes shamelessly roam over my body just like his lust my fire and body still yearned for him and his touch.

" how? by human hunters? "

" no, surprisingly he commit suicide. There was a rumor he was having a love affair with a human she was involved in a car accident she didn't survive.his broken heart got the better of him."

" that's so sad" I pulled off my boots unwrap my loose scarf take off my already unbuttoned coat hanging my coat and scarf on the hook and setting my boots underneath them.

" love can make a person crazy" he shrugs hanging his own up. The apartment was dully lit the fire place set an glow of orange and yellow around the room dancing across the walls.

" I can't blame him though" he came up behind me turning around I face him wrapping my arms around his neck my fingers playing with ends of his brown hair.I loved his hair it feels like silk running between my fingers. Shiny, soft and smooth. Our eyes lock and just like the very first time - though I would never admit this back then- Im entranced , hypnotized , captured ,lost in their bright blue depths. Never in my life have I been so captured by a man. Or been this sexually active.


His chuckle vibrates through to my chest now every inch of us pressing up against eachother without a breath of space between us. The smirk present on his face letting ms know he knew just how he effected me.

Now with my coat gone it gave him free range of my body without the thick cotton. He took advantage of this slipping those ice cold hands up my back playing with the claps of my bra the hairs of my arms stood in excitement as waves of shock rolls down from head to toe.

" I mean like I said before I dont know what id do if something ever happened to you. If you were in your friends spot id hate myself. I love you and I'd do everything I can to keep you safe keep you protected from harm. You mean the world to me ,Karla. I've never felt so alive or whole in my entire existence till met you" he pulled me even closer taking his left hand removing his hand from my back cupping my cheek tenderly caressing the skin with his thumb our eyes never once looking away. " id do anything for you. I love you so much" his words were so sincere, his eyes fill with such love passion lust it over whelmed me.

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