6: Hate The Parties (No More Surprises)

Start from the beginning

After everything's done and I'm perfectly okay with everything, I went on the living room and watched some telly before the party starts.

I noticed that everything was prepared, there was boxes of beer on the kitchen table and some stack of plastic cups beside them. There was food and drinks everywhere. Stephen seems more excited than I was.

That's when I started to feel nervous. I feel a tight knot inside my stomach.. was i nervous or just hungry? Not sure.

I hope this party turns out great, if not, then I'm fucked.

Where's Stephen, by the way?


Meghan's POV

"C'mon, Meghan! It's Charlie's birthday. You should go all out, you know?"

"But, Jojo.. i can't do that! A lot of people will be at that party, I don't want to look like a fool. I'll just wear something casual. Like this cute top," I picked the crop top up, showing it to Jojo. "It's nice right?" I asked.

She bites her lips and slowly nods, unsure. "What's wrong with it?" I asked again.

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that.." she trails off, and then groans. "I don't get why you don't wanna go all out with what you're gonna wear. You should wear a dress or something."

"But i don't like dresses remember?" I bit my lip and started to lose hope.

"Maybe I shouldn't just go." I said, looking at my feet.

I heard her gasp and said, "No! You're going and I'm going to pick what you're wearing yeah? Just trust me on this."

"Why are we even worrying about what I'm gonna wear?! It's not that big of a deal!"

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not." I replied. I looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand, 6:30 PM. The party starts at 7, "Were going to be late."

Jojo glanced at the clock and says, "Shit."

She puts a jersey and a black skinny jeans against my chest and pushes me inside the bathroom, closing the door on my face.

I sighed and began to undress. Guess this'll have to do.


"Jo! Stop dragging me!" I exclaim as I retrieve my hand from Jojo's grip. She looks back at me and rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry okay? I'm just really excited."

"Yeah, obviously," this time, I was the one to roll my eyes.

How can she be so excited, though? This is not even her party and I'm pretty sure every people on that party don't even know who Jojo is.

I groaned and kept on walking behind her. She was skipping like a bitch, i grin and shake my head at her childishness. She can be a bit of a child sometimes, but I don't blame her neither do I, haven't been on a party before. This was my first time, but I'm not that enthusiastically excited as she is.

"Come on, Meg! Hurry the fuck up," She whined. I rolled my eyes and tried my best to catch up to her. She was walking too fast okay?

When the house came to view, I began to get nervous. Why you may ask? Well, one word: Crowd. I don't really do well with crowds because they tend to scare me. A drop of sweat rolls down my cheek as we get closer and closer to the place.

The house was packed, like, literally packed with people. I bet half of the people on that house doesn't even know why they're there. Because normally, party gets packed when you invite a person and that person invites other people and that other people invites other people as well. Do you get what I'm saying?

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