I wiped my brow with the back of my hand, sighing, when something to my left caught my eye. I paused, looking over and up. What the...bananas? I tugged on Lance's sleeve, and he stopped and looked at me then followed my gaze upward in the tree.

"Uh...guys, hang on." They all paused, and looked where we were looking. We were gathered in a circle around the tree now, like some weird banana worshipers.

"Should we...try to get them?" Elliot asked, earning a scowl from Keaton.

"No, dumbass, we should not. Last time you tried to touch the vegetation here it almost wolverine clawed you." Elliot pouted, and Elijah sighed.

"Why don't we try getting them down with a stick or something? That way none of us will get 'wolverine clawed' by the bananas." Elijah commented. Felix stared up at the bananas wearily.

"If they even are bananas. They're probably pink on the inside or something. I don't trust those things."

Elijah rolled his eyes and bent to grab a stick off the ground, pulling up on it. When he tried to stand up with the stick, it stopped, and Elijah grunted. I gave him a weird look. "Dude, just pick up the stick." He glared at me.

"I'm trying to. I think it's stuck."

"So get a smaller one." Lance said.

"Then we won't be able to reach the bananas!" Elijah replied.

"If they are bananas..." Felix mumbled passively. Keaton let out a frustrated sigh.

"Get smaller stick and I'll be able to reach the damn banan-fruits, whatever they are." Elijah glared at him now.

"No, I'm getting this stick and reaching those bananas. I can do it." Keaton threw his hands in the air, storming over to a tree and leaning against it, watching us with a scowl.

Elijah yanked and pulled on the stick, but it was obviously a root or something. It was kinda fuzzy, and sure as hell wasn't going anywhere.

Lance's eye twitched in irritation as Elliot snickered at his brother struggling. Lance went up and grabbed a portion of the stick as Elliot and I watched incredulously.

"One, two, three!" Lance counted and they both rugged hard, resulting in a crack and then dead silence.

Then, an ear piercing roar sounded out around us, making me clutch my ears and wince. The roar was so loud it felt like it shook the ground and made my teeth rattle. When it stopped, we all looked at each other with wide eyes.

"What in the flaming depths of hell was that?!" I whisper-shouted, heart pounding.

"Uh, guys? S-Should we, run, p-please?" Elliot said, pointing to the area of trees behind the banana tree. A few inches above where Elliot's shaking finger pointed, were eight large, black, glittering eyes. Slowly, the eyes rose and rose until they were easily six feet above us.

My jaw dropped and I stumbled back, Lance and the twins scrambling back as well with Keaton and Felix. 

"Fuck me twice and call me Shirley," I said with a trembling voice. "I...Is that a...?" I couldn't even finish my sentence.

Lance gulped audibly beside me, his eyes wide and never leaving the gargantuan monster in front of us. "Yes, Jeffie. I think Elijah and I just amputated a giant, hairy, spider's leg."

Elliot chuckled nervously as the spider's other legs made an appearance, stretching out in a horrifying display of enormity. "Look at that, he's got seven more. He'll be totally fine with it, right?"

Right on cue, the spider let out a vicious, murderous screech that blew my hair away from my face.

"Yep. I think we should run. Now." Keaton said, looking paler than usual, and for once we all seemed to agree with him.

We all turned tail and began to run for our lives, the spider screeching and thundering after us at a nightmarish speed. Even with the loss of one of it's legs, it seemed to have no problem coming after us. 

"Veer left!" Lance shouted, and we all followed suit, the sound of trees breaking under the spider's weight following behind us.

It screeched again, and Keaton looked back, his eyes widening in fear. "It's gaining on us!" He stumbled, not watching where he was going. I tried to catch him but he slipped from my grasp and tumbled to the ground.

"Stop!" I called out, and froze in fear as I turned around. The massive arachnid hovered over Keaton's body, who stared up at the spider with absolute terror in his expression.

The spider roared again, stamping all seven legs at once, it's fangs snapping inches away from Keaton's face.

I gasped as it lunged, looking with every intent like it was going to eat Keaton, but suddenly a rock hit it in the face, causing it to screech angrily, looking up for the culprit.

I looked as well, and gaped at Felix, who had more rocks in his hands. He threw another one, hitting it in one of it's eyes, eliciting another screech. One that spelled murder for all of us.

---------Horrible ending and sorry this took so long, school man :/ Shout out to SugerSweetAlyssa for the cover----------

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