New Story!!!

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Okay because of a very amazing reader I'm going to update. But first I wanna let y'all about my new story coming out!!! Its going to be called That's my Best friend. So here's just a little introduction...

Deserae Michaels and Avorion Stevens have literally been Best friends since they were in their mom's stomachs. They grew up doing everything together from bathing to wearing the same clothes (Deserae grew up being a tomboy). But when they turned 14 they took their relationship to the next level and lost their virginities to each other. They never actually dated though because they decided they wanted to explore other opportunities.

Now here's a little description of them:

Deserae Michaels:
Brown skin
Bisexual 🌈
Has some serious anger issues
Is 17 years old
Her Location: undecided (gimme some suggestions)

Avorion Stevens:
Light skin
17 years old
Will kill for his Best friend
Is one week older than Deserae
His Location: same as Deserae

Remember keep a look out for these updates!!!

Until next time 😘

Romeo and JulietOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora