Nobody Is Alone

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*Chad’s P.O.V.*

“Just go ahead and set it over there.”

Röbby walked past me and set another box down in front of the TV as I stood aside, directing him as he moved his things in.

I was so happy that this was finally happening, even if I did only have to wait a day. I felt like everything was perfect. It was like I didn’t even miss Porcelain. I knew that it was for the best that she left and Röbby settled in while Skylar was still very young; Rö bby would be like a father to him in every way.

I smiled down at Skylar who I had propped on my hip, and I watched Röbby as he brought in another box.

“Well, that’s the last one,” he said as he sat it down, and I walked over to him. I hugged him with my free arm and smiled up at him, “I know I’ve already said this a million times but, thank you so much for doing this.”

He chuckled and gave me a full hug, “Don’t mention it, buddy. I’d do anything for you guys.”

He pulled away with a smile and patted Skylar’s head, then walked over to the boxes full of his things. He opened one that contained some of his clothes.

“You can go ahead and use all of the space that Porcelain vacated for all of your stuff. So like, you can put your clothes in the empty dresser drawers and stuff…”

“Ok, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

I nodded as he began opening other boxes, deciding what to unpack first, and I just stood there with a stupid smile on my face. One of my best friends in the entire world was now living with me, I was basically sharing my life with him…

Ok, Chad, stop saying things like that, it makes it sound like you’re married to him.

I shook my head, blushing slightly at my own thoughts, and Röbby walked out of the living room and into the bedroom with one of the boxes. I felt sort of bad because of the sleeping arrangements we had decided on… or, more like Röbby had decided on. I wanted him to sleep in my bed while I slept on the couch until we could buy two single beds, but he had insisted that it be the other way around. So he was going to be sleeping on the couch for the time being, and I wasn’t very happy about that, but there was nothing that I could do. Röbby always got what he wanted.

I walked over to one of the boxes, curious as to what was inside. I looked down at it, and on top of everything in the box an placed in there carefully was a framed picture. I picked it up and what I saw surprised me.

It was a picture of me, from high school. I was about sixteen. Me and Röbby had actually become friends back then, and this was the first picture that he had ever taken of me. I remember that I didn’t want him to take the picture so I turned away, but he sweet-talked me enough so that I ended up turning my head toward the camera and smiling up at the camera in a “you suck” kind of way.

I had no idea he still had this, or even remembered it. It almost made me want to cry that he did, and that it was important enough to him that he had kept it.

Ugh, I have been way too emotional lately. Must be all the stress.

Anyway, I set the picture back down and Röbby came back in with an empty box.

“Well, got one taken care of!” he announced, and I took a few steps toward him.

“Can I help with anything?” I offered, and he shook his head.

“Nah, don’t worry about it, I got it taken care of. You just worry about that little bundle of joy you have in your arms,” he laughed.

I giggled and shifted Skylar onto my other hip, then walked over to the phone and shouted at Röbby who was now back in the bedroom.

Don't Let Me Go ~ Chad Kowal x Robby Creasey (Chabby)Where stories live. Discover now