Chapter 35

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Conor's P.O.V

I've gone a couple of days as an unsigned artist and to be honest do I really like it. I've got more done in three days than I got in months before I left Parlaphone. I haven't heard anything from Aaron apart from an email that just confirmed the fact that my contract was over and done with. I've even managed to get in contact with another studio where I get to record my stuff until I find a place for myself to rent. It was my good friend Harper who helped me take contact with her manager, so now are we both recording in the same studio.

Doing all my work at home do also mean I get to spend more time with Anna and I don't have to get bad conscience for not being home enough. I've even been able to put more time and effort into my YouTube channel which just makes me so happy because that's where it all started off and I love doing my covers to show my Mayniacs how my new album is gonna sound like.

"Conor are you ready to go"

I look up from my phone and over on Anna who's stood fully dressed and ready in the hallway. We're going out for a bit just to walk off some stress really, we both have had quite a stressful week, Anna have had her first proper interview along side filming for her channel and helping me with some writing. My life have been chaotic the last few days, with magazines bombarding me with questions about my decision, I've literally not been able to leave my house until now. I sigh before I stand up and put my phone in my pocket. I knew it was going to be hard for me doing all of this but I never thought was gonna be this crazy. Not even Anna has been her positive self in the last couple of days, it's probably just me over thinking it but Anna leaving me would literally push me down to the bottom once again and I don't know if I would be able to climb up next time.

We walk in secrecy along the Thames, it have never been this awkward between us before but I just guess it's from us working our buts off lately, we're just really tired.

"Are you hungry?"

I stop and nod towards a small fish and chips shop along the river. I haven't really eaten much this week and the smell of fish and chips just made me feel how hungry I am.
Anna just nod and we begin walking towards the shop. She hasn't been this quiet for a long time, not even a panic attack use to make her shut up and to be honest do I really miss her nonstop talking that usually use to annoy the hell out of me.

I order us two some food and we sit down on one of the tables outside the shop whilst waiting. Anna is sat with her back towards the Thames. It's a lovely day and the sun is shining for once, it's not often that happens in this bloody country. I take her hand in mine whilst looking out over the river, watching the sun reflecting in the water making it all sparkly. It just makes the dirty river water seem so much nicer. It's way too hot for a late October day and I need to take my coat off, Anna on the other hand seems freezing cold. I turn her hand so the palm is facing up and begin to draw different shapes in it whilst waiting on our food to get ready.

"Excuse me Mr, you're food is done"

I stand up and walk over to the till to pick it up. I give the older man a thankful smile before I join Anna back at the table. I place or paper plates down in front of us and begin eating. It's crazy how good food can taste when you're hungry. I look over at Anna who hasn't even touched the food. She's just looking at it with her head resting in her hand.

"Come on Ans, you need to eat something we haven't eaten enough recently"

She just look up and give me a week smile before grabbing her fork just to pick in her food.

"I'm not hungry anymore"

Anna place her fork back on the table and push her plate to the side. I just sigh and roll my eyes, finishing off my food.

"Are you sure you're done?"

I stand up and point at Anna's plate of food and pick it up when she nods. I walk over to the bin and throw in both of our plates. I don't even care about it being a waste of money, all I care about is Anna not being her self.

I put my arm around her waist and pull her close. She leans her head against my shoulder as we begin to continue walking.

It doesn't take long before Anna stop, I turn around and spot her with her hands on her thighs breathing heavily.

"What's wrong gorgeous?"

I run over to her slowly stroking her back with my hand.

"I'm not feeling well, I think I'm gonna be sick"

Anna cover her mouth with her hand and I grab her by her waist and guide her from the path onto the grass. It doesn't take long before she begin to throw up the small amount of food she's eaten the last few days. I hold her hair back waiting on her to finish and I feel so bad because she have probably felt bad since we went out.

"Here have some water"

I hand her the bottle of water that I bought in the shop when she seems done. She takes a few sips before giving it back to me.

"I'm so sorry, I should have told you this morning, you must've thought I was such a dickhead"

Anna look up at me with water-filled eyes, her face is pale and you can easily see the dark bags underneath her eyes that indicate how stressful this week have been.

"It's okay baby, I could've asked instead of just ignoring it, are you feeling better?"

I draw circles with my fingers on her back whilst she tries to sort her face out.

"I think so, I'm freezing though"

She cross her arms over her chest. It's almost twenty degrees outside and she's freezing in her hoodie and coat, poor thing. I quickly take my bomber jacket off and wrap it around her shoulders, leaving me in just a T-shirt and I'm not even feeling the slightest cold.

"Let's get you home, shall we"

I pull her close to me and we begin walking back to the flat.


"Conor I'm fine, I promise"

Anna look at me from the bed and I can see her in the reflection on my laptop screen.

"Try get some rest, I'll be sat here working whilst you sleep"

I don't even bother facing her as I can see how she rolls her eyes in the  reflection. This time is it my turn to take care if her after everything she's done for me.

I put on my headphones and begin working on the last track for this album, it's going to be done in the next couple of weeks. I've worked on it for four years now and what it took was me to leave my label and stand on my own feet I guess. I'm almost a bit scared of releasing it, what if they don't like it, I mean it's quite different to my other stuff and it's been my covers that have gotten the most attention in the media reasently. I've started to get noticed as the person who does covers and not as the artist that I actually am. I glance over at Anna and see her peacefully sleeping. She's the most important thing I have and I can't loose her.

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