CHAPTER 5 ( beach spaghetti and Jerry)

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Jessica's POV:

I woke up to the sound of music being played I flickered my eyes open and herd music rolled my eyes knowing it was chaz because it room is right next to mine god I hate my parents for putting him right next to me. I look at the time and got out of bed I had cheer practice today and I had to get ready I was wondering if Justin was in Chaz's room but I didn't bother to look I walked into my bathroom and took and shower then I wrapped a towel around my body and walked into my closet I choose to were black spandex that had green polka dots on them a lime green sports bra I put my hair into a ponytail along with my smoed cheer bow and I put on my cheer shoes I grabbed my bag that said cheer on it. I looked in the mirror satisfied with my look I took a picture and put it up on twitter with the caption

@JessciaSomers: early morning but ready for cheer J

I connected my beats head phone with my phone then I put my phone I my bad and walked passed Chaz's bedroom I was about to walk down the stairs when someone grabbed my shoulder I screamed and turned around to see Justin with wide eyes then I took of my headphones and chuckled at his expression

"Sorry" I said innocently with a smile

He was rubbing his ears "oh no it's okay to cause your boyfriend hearing damaged thanks babe"

I blushed when he called my babe I tried to look away be Justin lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes

"You are so beautiful"

"You're not so bad you're self" I said as I chuckled

"Let me take you to practice today"

"Okay" we walk outside of the house and got into Justin's Ferrari he drove me to my gym I was about to get out of the car when he grabbed my hand

"No goodbye kiss" he said with a puppy dog face that I couldn't resist I kissed him and he kissed back he put his hands on my waist and pulled my Closter then we heard and flash that comes from a camera we both pulled away and saw paparazzi Justin quickly put on sunglasses and he handed me a pair and he drove of quickly

"Oh look at that we match again" I said

Justin chuckled and smiled at me

"Well it looks like your not going to cheer today"

"I can't miss practice "

"Yes you can"

"No I can't"




"JUSTIN STOP!!" I yelled I was so annoyed Justin didn't understand how important cheer is to me and world champion's competition is coming up in two days and that's the big win I have to be at every practice I looked back at Justin and he looked upset

"Justin I am sorry I didn't mean to yell at you"

"Its okay but you never told me why cheer is so important to you"

"Fine ill tell you but I want to go somewhere fun then I will tell you" I said

"Okay to the beach" Justin yelled I chuckled

We got to the beach and Justin and I put on our sunglasses and walked into a beach shop

"I want to pick out you bikini" Justin said

"Okay but nothing you reliving"

"Yeah whatever" he said ignoring me

I picked out some random beach trunks for Justin then I walk over him and look at his face he was starring at a bikini that had many different colors on it with different flowers on it

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