CHAPTER 4 ( were together)

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Justin's POV:

.......... THE NEXT DAY.............

I was in my house thinking about what happened yesterday I kissed her oh my god why did I do that maybe you told chaz grate know he's going to hate me but at the same time I didn't care I liked the kiss it was sweet and nice just like Jessica. I heard a buzzing noise which could only mean that someone was at my front gate I looked out the window and saw Alfredo I opened the gate and let him in he parked his car and walked in side of the kitchen were I was

"Dude why aren't you answering any of my phone calls of texts the thought you were dead"

"I kissed her"

"Kissed who??" he said with a confused tone in his voice

"Jessica I kissed her"

"You did what know"

"Kissed her and I loved it I have never felt something like that when our lips meet I felt something in my stomach it like a tighten feeling why did I feel like that"

"You in love bro" fredo said

"What" I asked confused

"Did you feel like that when you kissed selena?"

"The first time yes but then it started fating I thought I was just getting used to it"

"Dude I can't honestly say that you thought you loved selena but you didn't you love Jessica like a lot"

"What do I do?"

"Tell her idiot"

"But she hates me"

"Let me talk to her for a couple of hours and I promise you she will fell that same way its obvious she likes you but she doesn't want to admit it"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes positive"

"Thanks fredo"

"anytime man" we did our hand shake and he walked out hopefully his plane would work I couldn't believe what he told me I love Jessica I mean yes she pretty nice she has the biggest brown eyes and she has the cutest little dimples hold on wait what did I just say maybe I do love her oh my god

Jessica's POV:

I was sitting in my room thinking about the kiss yesterday I didn't know what to feel I heard the door bell ring I didn't want to go get it but then I heard my dad opening the door and I heard fredo's voice so either he was here for me or chaz I didn't really care until I heard my bedroom door crack open I looked up and I saw fredo with chipotle in his hands I smiled and my dad left fredo closed the door and sat next to me

"Food for the queen" he said in a funny voice I chuckled and took my cantina bowl and started to eat

"So what brings you by?"

"Nothing I just wanted to ask you something"


"What do you think of Justin?"

"Why would you ask me that?"

"Oh nothing it just one day you hate him and then your buying him his favorite pizza what up with that do you have a crush on him"

"What not I don't" I said but I was lying I did like Justin but I didn't want anyone to know he was so cute his smile made me melt for the inside he could be annoying at times and then he could be sweet his eyes were amazing his laugh and chuckle were the cutest things

"Um hello earth to Jessica" fredo said I quickly

"Hu what "I said I quickly spanned out of my thoughts and I saw fredo smirk

"You do like him" he said

"What no" I said while blushing

"Aww jess that so cute" fredo said gushing like a girl

"No its not and you better not tell him or else" I threatened

"Don't worry I wont tell him but he likes you to so it's no big deal"

"what he likes me" I said with excitement

"Aww you're so cute you do like him"

"Am serious dose he like me"

"Yes he dose" I smiled really big the thought of Justin liking me back saw so amazing

.....THE NEXT DAY.....

Jessica's POV:

Fredo told me that he told Justin that I like him know Justin was coming over I didn't know what to do so I got out of bed and took and a nice shower then I walked out put on some white high waist shorts with zippers on the sides a colorful crop top brown short boots I added mascara eyeliner and nude lipstick I could fine my contacts so I just put on my black glasses I put my hair half up half down and my hairs were French tip nails so I felt it like that then I sat down in the living room and watched SpongeBob .

Justin's POV:

I got out of my bed and walked into my bathroom I took a shower the I put on a black v neck black skinny jeans and a pair for my adidas neo label black and red shoes the I put on a black leather jacket and drove over to Jessica's once I got there I knocked on the door and saw Mrs. Somers the lead me to the living room and left I was so nervous she looked so cute watching sponebob while laughing at how dumb Patrick was he laugh was adorable

"Hey" I said while sitting down next to her

"Oh hey" she said while looking at me

"Jessica I really like you I didn't know that until I got it through my head your perfect you bueatiful and it might sound corny but every time I head the word beautiful I think of you" I keep on talking while stuttering man I was I nervous but before I could finish I Jessica smashed her lips on to mine and kissed me I quickly kissed back but I was shock I thought i was going to die our lips moved in sync with each other it was the best feeling in the world i put one hand on the side of her cheek and one around her waist then she put both of her arms around my neck and before I new it we were having a make out session her house my hand moved up her shirt and she did the same but then I pulled away

"Why did you do that?"

"To tell you that you talk too much and to shut up"

I smiled at how controlling she was being it was so cute

"Will you be my girlfriend" I said she blushed and looked down I lifter her chin with my thumb and looked into her eyes she kissed me once again the pulled away

"How that for an answer"

"It was perfect but I think I gotta show you how it done" I said while leading in slowly and so did she I peck her lips softly over and over again teasing her I could tell she was getting frustrated so I leaded in more if that was possible and I kissed her slowly and she kissed me back I put my hands on her hips and she put hands around my neck I moved in closer and she laid down I was on top her but then she over powered my and she was on top of me it was like on other kiss it was amazing I really was in love and I dint care we were still making out on her couch when we heard the door close we quickly pulled apart and moved away form each other and acted like nothing was happing then I started watching SpongeBob I saw chaz walk in from the corner of my eye

"What are toy doing here bieber"

"Oh nothing just chilling with my girlfriend"

"Girlfriend the only girl that in here is Jessica and she hates your guts"

"Not any more" Jessica said

"Yeah this is making me sick okay then HEY BIEBER YOU HURT MY SISTER AND I WILL BRAKE VERY BONE I YOUR BODY" chaz said before walking out I moved Closter to Jessica and tried kissing her but she pulled away

"I think you hade enough kissing for today" she said while walking away into the kitchen I ran after her and she saw looking for something in the fringe I walked behind her and raped my arms around her waist I moved a started of hair away from neck and started pecking it and I heard Jessica softly mooned and smirked and she turned around

"Okay maybe one kissed wont kill anyone" she landed it and we started kissing

Jessica's room on the side ----->

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