"Okay, I feel better." Chris told her

"You sure?"

"Positive." He smiled

He looked at me and I stared back at him

"We'll give you two some time. C'mon Lytrell." Mama Joyce said taking Ro from me

They walked out and I pulled a chair up beside his bed and grabbed his cold rough hand. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it

"How you feeling?" I asked looking at him

"Horrible." He sighed

"You know, the doctor said since your left calf and right leg is broken, it could end your career for good." I said softly

"Really?" He asked

I nodded

"Damn." He mumbled

"Don't stress over it. We're going to make sure that we get those legs healed and you'll be back to dancing and flipping in no time." I said smiling

He chuckled and I joined him

"Even if it ends, I still have my clothing line and art." He said

"There is no ifs, Chris. God made you the way you are for a reason and he put you in this situation for a reason. It's a challenge to see if you're strong enough to defeat it. And you are." I said looking in his eyes as I caressed the back of his hand with my thumb

"You know, you're like my little Angel sent from heaven." He said smiling

"I'm far from and Angel, I'm just a girl with a good heart and care for everyone, no matter how bad they've did me in the past." I said and shrugged

"You're every guys dream girl, and I'm lucky I was the one to get you." He said looking into my eyes

"Chris I-" I started

"No. Let me finish." He cut me off. "After all the shit I did to you and said to you tonight, you still came and grabbed me and my daughter out of that car. I could've died right then and there if you didn't show up and daughter would've witnessed it all. You're special to me and I'm so sorry for all the wrong I've done to you tonight. I was suppose to be keeping you safe and saving you while I brought you down here, but you kept me safe and saved me." He said shaking his head

"Chris. That's nice and all, but Nia's walking in." I said looking out the window

"What?" He said turning around "Fuck." He said

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair

"What the fuck happened Chris!? You didn't even try to call on me so I could check on my fucking daughter!" Nia yelled walking in holding Ro

"How am I going to call you when I'm the one injured? I just woke up and I don't have time for none of your bs." Chris said sighing

"Well I know some bullshit you do have time for and that's court. I'm getting full custody of my daughter." She said

"What!? You can't take my fucking child away from me! I haven't did shit wrong!" He yelled

"Chris, Ro is in the room. Calm down." I said rubbing my hand through his hair looking at him

"Oh but you have. Don't forget that my daughter was in the car with you when you had that wreck. Just enough for me to take her away from you." She said bitterly

She turned around and walked out. As soon as she closed the door a vase shattered on the door

"Chris!" I semi yelled

I looked at him and he broke down crying

"The only happiness I had left is gone. There's no fucking way I'm going to win this fucking case. I'm so fucking stupid." He cried

"Chris, there's still hope." I said

"How? How Kynsie?" He asked

"All she have on you is that wreck. But what do you have?" I asked

"Not a damn thing." He sniffed

"Oh. She still strips, men coming into her house left from right when Ro is there, she's doing drugs, and Ro have had several injuries at her house." Kynsie said

"How the fu-"

"I'm a fan of you. I know alot." I said smiling

He sat up and smiled. I wiped his face off and kissed his cheek

"Didn't you say that her neighbor told you about the men coming in?" I asked


"And Ro have came to this hospital every time she got hurt at home and Zillah had to bring her because Nia was working late. Right?"


"Then you said Lytrell walked in on her smoking weed and drinking all types of alcohol while in the same room with Ro. Am I correct?"

"Yeah." He said and smiled "I might have a chance."

Mama Joyce and Lytrell walked in and we told them what happened

"What if they don't believe you?" Mama Joyce asked

"I have witnesses." Chris said

"What if they try to say you paid them?" Lytrell asked

"You can't pay the hospital and her neighbor don't take money, and I can't even communicate with Zillah, so I can just call her up to the witness stand." He said and laid back on  pillows

"Yeah. He got this." I said smiling as I watched him close his eyes and dose off

|y'all been waiting on this chapter for so long that I didn't edit it, so if you can understand and put the words together, you'll be fine🤗|

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