Chapter 2

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As I starting walking further along, I started to get the feeling of being watched.
I then noticed a strange hissing sound, and heavy breathing that did not belong to me.
Starting to really freak out, I started to wonder if I should turn around and go back, or if I should just run down in this direction.
I want nothing more then to get out right now.
CRACK! I suddenly jump and look down and see the bones of what appears to be the captain of the train, due to the fact his still dressed in his uniform.
Mortified I take a few steps back, when I bump up against something slowly I turn and see- what can only be described as a demon from hell.
It's face was a dull white colour, it was all crinkled like an someone who might be 200 years old!
And it's eyes! It's eyes are darker then night, they are nothing but blackness.
It's body looks like an alien mixed with a bat.
It's has the wings of a bat, but alien like arms, legs and body.
That's when I notice I'm being surrounded by them!
There's got to be around one-hundred slowly coming closer and closer.
Paralysed, In fear I start to remember something I should have done from the very beginning, I pray.
They I suddenly think of something, time was in slow motion as I threw my lantern at the closest bat like creature and ran!
They weren't surprised for very long and with in seconds began to chase.
I ran with every I got, my heart going one-thousand miles per hour, and my legs moving faster then they've ever moved before.
HISS,HISS,HISS! Something threw itself around my neck and was hissing, I know it's a snake, due to its long thin body, and the hissing of course.
I desperately try to stop it from strangling me, when I hear in a voice just above a whisper say; Samantha...Samantha...
And then shout Samantha!
I open my eyes and see... My bedroom!
Samantha your going to be late for school!
I hear my mum shout, "I'm coming, I'm up!" I take a deep breath still in shock by how real that all felt and say "thank you God."
Once I get ready, I arrive at school the first class was English.
When I take my seat I look up to see my teacher say, "ok if everyone's here lets begin, today lets learn the meaning of some new words. The firsts ones Dystopia. Does anyone know what it means?"
A boy behind me puts up his hand and starts to say "an imaged places which everything is unpleasant or bad..." I start to block him out as I start think about the events of last night.
Was that really just a dream?...
Authors Note:
Thank you for reading my story! I hope you liked it, like I said this was for a competition and it needed to be short.
Please check out my book "Study Group" which isn't a story it's a study group which anyone can join.
And thank you again for reading!

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