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"Yea, my family is a bit scrambled. I sometimes visit my uncles and grandfather, but sometimes its awkward. Not with Uncle Gabe," says Dillyn.

"I understand that a bit, my grandfather is after me and family and I'm better sure my grandmother hates me or soemthing," I say.

"Whoa that's harsh," comments Sam.

"Yea... what about you two? How did...," I tail.

"Oh! Well We found Dillyn with a note from his mother, an angel made for Lucifer and well she died protecting him from hunters, and me, well I was made into a wolf." Says Sam. Made into one?

"Who's your alpha?" I ask curious.

"I don't have....," he says looking down, a rogue...

"Parents?" I ask pointing at Sam.

"Adopted, I've never met my real parents or parent. My mother died giving birth to me," says Sam looking down.

"I'm sorry," I comfort him. I felt his pain and sad just flow over me, it was sad and dark. I couldn't image life without mom, me and Henry and everyone love her too much. "I can't image my life without my mother but then again she'll never know the feeling of aging or death like others," I say.

"Nor will my dad unless someone has an angel blade," says Dillyn, joking with a small laugh. "And if so, sooner or later I'll stop again as well and be a Nephalem forever, only one of my kind," he says.

"Me and my brother are the only ones of our kind," I say understanding his pain and guilt as well. He gives me a a ad smile as if saying thanks for trying to cheer him up. "But I'm the only one in my family who has physic powers," I say," so I'm kinda the only one of my kind?"

I wasn't sure if that made sense or not, but it must have as they nosed understanding.


We didn't bring up the topic again after that, keeping what we spoke of to ourselves. "So....tonight I'm having a party, you should totally come," sats Katie stopping me and Alice.

"I don't know, my dad is being weird and all protective," says Alice.

"My family are all protective, but if you get my brother to go, I can," I say. Its true, my family are protective and will only let me out if Henry goes.

"Where do you want me to go?" My friends jumped as we all tuned to see Henry there with a smirk much like our uncles'.

"Katie was wondering if we would like to go to her party tonight," I ask.

"I don't see why not," he shrugs.

"Great.... great! Okay see you guys there," Katie seemed jumpy as she quickly left us confused.

"Okay.... see you guys tonight maybe," says Alice waving us bye.

"Bye Alice," we say together as she leaves. We turn and start walking to Jake and Ace who seem to glare and growl at each other.

"Hey guys," I smile trying to loosen up their tension. They snapped out of it and looks at me saying," Hey Ana," then they glared at each other again. Which I tried to ignore. But the tension was awkward and uncomfortable.

"Anyways why don't we head back," I say trying to break the tension.

"Sorry sis, me and the boys are going to try out for the lacrosse," says Henry. Oh yea I forgot so was Dillyn and Sam.

"Yea maybe you should try out for cheerleading," says Jake. Henry gives a dead look. "Or not..." he says.

"Maybe I'll do something better," I grin making them all confuse, good....


"Already if I call your last name you're up," yells couch Uriel. Tall man in his early 20's with black hair and grey eyes.

"Quinn! Winn! Hollow! Mikealson! Hale! Salvatore! Mikealson, again!" No one knew who the last Mikealson was, little did they know....

"Who the hell is the other Mikealson?" I hear Jake ask.

"I don't know, do you Henry?" I hear Ace ask.

"No," is all he says. This was my cue...

I walk out saying,"I'm here couch!" I smile innocent as the boys on the feild and everyone's mouth dropped.

"A girl can't play?!?" "She can't play, these is a boys' sport only!" Many boys yelled at couch Uriel. He stared at me with a emotionless stare. I looked all around all the boys stared at me or couch then the girls just stared at me like what's wrong with you. Henry I don't know what kind of look he was giving me....

"Now look girly," starts couch Uriel," give me a reason why I should even let you try out."

"Girls can do anything a guys can do, you stopping me from trying anything as this school does not have a girls' team, would show what kind of person you are from stopping someone to reach something in life. So now it's up to you to either to reject a girl who simply wants to change the way things are and how girls are judge for being their gender, not allowing them to the things they want to do. Or you can let me try out and show you what I got," I say leaving everyone speechless.

"Okay you got me," he hands over the helmet to me. As I smirk taking it and I turn to the boys. I shurg smiling.

"Let's play," I announce putting it on.

Always And Forever》SEQUEL TO "THE YOUNGEST MIKEALSON"Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt