I'm Afraid That I Might Be Losing You

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P r o l o u g e
Song: Close as Strangers - 5sos

Luke missed Michael. He missed his scent, he missed his soft lips, he missed his voice, he missed his pale skin, he missed his eyes, god Luke missed Michael's eyes. The seventeen year old shuffled through the polaroids in his hands, almost missing the tear drop that landed right on the boys' entwined hands. He dragged his thumb over the water, smudging it across the film. A sad smile stretched over his chapped lips as he found his favorite picture; Michael was holding Luke, both laughing at the birthday cake smeared on Luke's nose. The picture was snapped right before Michael had tripped and fallen on top of Luke, which resulted in both of their noses being covered in frosting. Yeah, Luke missed Michael like crazy.

Michael was at a party. He took shot after shot, but no matter how much alcohol he consumed, he couldn't get the blonde hair and blue eyes out of his mind. The nineteen year old college freshman had a huge exam the next day, but here he was, downing shots like his life depended on it. He wanted to hold Luke, instead he was holding a beer. He wanted to kiss Luke, instead he was kissing the rim of a bottle. He wanted to get back to Luke, instead he got more alcohol. His limbs felt like lead when he pulled himself into his dorm, and his head pounded when he crawled into bed smelling like booze. Michael needed Luke.

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