Chapter 2

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“You know, that wasn’t exactly how I planned it would go down” Mat said drastically. But all I could do was look at him; he was going to be one of those people that no matter what you do is going to get all up on my nerves.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” he belted towards me.

“No” I chuckled.

His facial expression calmed, but I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, if he wanted anything from me in the long run.

Did he?

We were sitting in the office for about an hour when one of the ladies at the desk told us to grab are stuff, school would be over in about five minutes.

Wow, fast period.

“I’m sorry for making you spend part of your first day here in the office” I muttered out.

“Excuse me? Did you actually just apologize? Whew! I thought I would never see the day where Serena with no I would apologize to me, let alone on my first day of school, but it’s your loss anyways, you just made these babies a little bigger, too bad you can’t get em” he said motioning to his balls.

Oh this was gonna be a long year.

“Who said I wanted to?” I responded quickly.

“I did, and trust me, I know you do” he said grimly.

After that I really had no choice but to just walk out of the room, it would probably be best anyhow, i might have just made his day, or ruined it. I don’t know, by his facial expression it’s hard to tell. His lips were pressed into a line (indicator of anger) but his eyes were sparkling like the ocean at night.

I walked straight to my big Brother Tyler’s truck. Hopefully Mat wouldn’t be foolish enough to follow us home. My dad and brother are extremely protective of me. Since my mom died a few years ago they have been extra careful for me not to have my heart break again. I love them for that, but, it gets really annoying sometimes, I mean, the last time I went on a date was… well never because of them. I feel like at this rate I’ll get married right before I turn 87, my lucky number.

“Hey sis, how’s it hanging?” Tyler asked as he was getting into his truck.

“Oh you know, just like every other day as a freshman, we had a new kid in fifth period and I kneed him in the balls” I said harshly

The look on Tyler’s face went from un-readable to an expression that screamed “THAT’S MY GIRL!”

He leaned over and gave me a high five. “What did he do?” Tyler asked.

“He grabbed my bag and said that if I ever wanted it back I would have to give him my number. Which I find terribly unlikely… I mean really, who does he think I am? Some slut or some random high school exotic dancer?!” I started raising my voice.

“Well I would sure hope not. You know what dad and I would do if you ever need our help” Tyler said responding so seriously I might have burst out laughing.

But it’s true, I did know what they would do, both Tyler and my dad are really good at baseball, they would either hit him with a bat, or they would throw the ball precisely at his face. Just for the fun of helping me. You gotta love my family.

Tyler started to pull the car out of the student parking lot. I turned around, only to see my dearest Mat, flirting with some other girls. That I like to call the Skank. But really, it’s an acronym for Still Kill and Never Kry. They made it up themselves, obviously not knowing that cry starts with a C. The Skank have their own website too, it’s crazy insane. It’s dedicated to all of the guys that have lost their virginity to them. It’s a huge list of about 200 guys, and a few girls.

If Mat kept hitting on them like that, he was sure to be next. Unless he had already lost his V-Card. Well, let’s hope not, for his sake, he can have an ego the size of Texas because of these girls and I still wouldn’t go anywhere near his “balls.” But I’m sure the Skank would.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2012 ⏰

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