How you met

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You moved in to a new apartment and you had the door opened, you looked out the hall and smiled.

"Oh, hello!" You call out and see a tall man and a shorter one with glasses.

"Oh, uh...hi?" The shorter one smiled.

"Hello." The taller one spoke blandly.

"I moved in today, I guess we're neighbours." I smiled and they just nodded, the one with glasses seeming nervous.

"I'm (Y/N)." You say and the one with glasses smiled and held out his hand to shake.

"I'm Lenard, this is my roommate Sheldon." Lenard said and you shook his hand.

"Okay, well it's nice to meet you both." You say then go back to your apartment.


You're Howard's sister and you're an engineer that has been transferred to the same university as he was. You were getting lunch so you decided to surprise him, you walked over to his table and sighed, crouching down.

"Hey Dickie." You smirked and rolled his eyes.

"For the last time I- (Y/N)! Hey!" He stood up and hugged you.

"What're you doing here?" He smiled and you did to.

"Well I was transferred here from MIT and I decided to surprise you. Would you mind if I sat with you and your friends?" you asked and he said yes but one said no.

"Sheldon, c'mon. Be nice to his sister." A guy with glasses said and he nodded, you pulled a chair from an empty table and sat at the end.

"Sorry about him. I'm Lenard, that's Raj and walking google over there is Sheldon." Lenard smiled and you nodded.

"So, what is it that you guys do?" you asked.

"Well, Sheldon and I work in particle physics, Raj is an astronomer and you know what Howard does...what do you do exactly?" Lenard asked and you put down your fork.

"Well, I've dabbled in the many chapters of science but right now I am an engineer." You explained and Sheldon sighed.

"Another labradoodle that I must teach. There is no hope for the Walowitz family tree." He said and you looked at Howard.

"Is this the guy you were talking about?" You asked and he nodded. Then a guy walks over to us.

"Heyy, Coopa. What's cwacking? Still wive with Spock?" A guy said and you rose your brows at him.

"Excuse me?" you threatened and he looked at you.

"Oh no, Kriptky you should run." Howard warned and Kriptky frowned.

"Why, I'm not scawd of a wittw-" he started then you stood out of your seat, you were a few inches taller than him and you folded my arms, he chuckled nervously then sped away. You sat down then ate your cookie.

"I'm only gonna say this once, don't mess with Star Wars, Starters, Stargate or the Marvel and DC universe." You said and Sheldon smiled slightly.

"There's hope for your family after all." He said and you smiled.


You were Stuart's sister and you were browsing through the comics.

"Hey guys, my sister's in town and I just wanna say if you make her cry I will probably cry too." He warned and you rolled your eyes.

"Why would we make her cry?" You hear a guy in an Indian accent ask.

"Well, she's very shy and...well." Stuart said.

"What, is she ugly?" You hear a guy ask and hear some laughing.

"Stuart, can I get this one?" You asked and then all the people in the store look at you.

"Sure sis, over here." Stuart said and you bought the book.

"So...come here often?" The same guy flirted and you smiled slightly, looking through the dollar comic books.

"Yeah...I sell some of my books here from time to time." You say and a taller one gasped.

"I know you, your (Y/N). You make your own Comics; I saw you at the Comicon panel." He smiled and you nodded shyly.

"Yeah..." You pull a book out and hold it as you look through them and pull out a (Fav/Comic) from the pile. You buy the comics and go to leave.

"Wait up a sec." You turn and see the guy and he smiled at you.

"Uh, I'm Howard and I was wondering if you would go get some coffee some time?" He asked and you smiled.

"Urm...sure. Should I call you?" You asked and he laughed.

"Look in your bag." He pointed and you took at the card.

Howard. Call me ###########

You smiled then walk out with a wave. How sweet.


You were at the shops when you bump into someone.

"Oh...hello." You smile and they look at you, he looked like he was from India. He just smiled at you and you saw Penny smile at you.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)! So this damaged guy is Raj." She said and you smiled.

"Uh, it's nice to meet you." You said and he just walked away.

"Did I do something wrong?" You asked worriedly and she shook her head.

"No, he's just like that. Um, here's his number and I'll see you at work okay?" She put in his number in your phone then you hugged her.


You were working at the Cheesecake factory and you were behind the bar.

"So, what can I do for you today?" You asked a familiar guy that sat down.

"Surprise me." He smiled and you started making the drink.

"Hey, I recognise you from somewhere..." You say as you shake the drink up.

"Uh, well, do you like Mr. Data?" He asked and you thought for a while.

"Oh my god, Wesley Crusher. Will Wheaton! You're awesome." You smiled and pour the concoction in a martini glass and he took a sip.

"Well thank you, you seem pretty awesome too, maybe we can go out some time." He said and you bit your lip.

"I like that." You said and he wrote something down on the paper coaster.

"Thanks for the drink, see you around..." He said, wanting to know your name.

"(Y/N)." You said and he nodded.

"Pretty name for a beautiful woman." He winked and walked away, you took the coaster and smiled, putting it in your pocket and went on with your shift.


You were Sheldon's best friend and you were staying over for a while.

"So, (Y/N). While you stay here I must warn you. Lenard's previous girlfriend lives across from us and uses our Wi-Fi and comes whenever she deems necessary." Sheldon told you and he door opened to a blonde girl.

"Sheldon." She smiled.

"And this is the previous girlfriend; Penny." He said and you stood up to shake her hand.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)." She shook your hand.

"Penny, so uh. Have you seen Lenard, I need to get my shirt and I left it here?" She said and he pointed to the hall and she left. You sat down and looked at a disappointed Sheldon.

"You chose the wrong woman." He said and you laughed.

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