ZEN: Yeah, night, Seven.

When Zen was about to climb aboard the bus, he heard footsteps behind him, and someone calling out his name in the distance.

"Zen! Zen!" the voice called out. That voice was Jumin himself.

Zen turned to look at the tired out Jumin panting. He grabbed Zen's hand, making him fall into his arms. Jumin shook his head at the bus driver, indicating that she could leave the station. The bus left, leaving the two men alone at the bus station.

"What do you want, Jumin? I thought you wanted me to leave...." said Zen, jerking his face and arm away from Jumin.

"Zen..... I'm... I'm terribly sorry for my actions earlier......" whispered Jumin, letting go of Zen.


"The selfish, cruel, stone hearted, jerk that you love.....even though he knows you can do much better than him....." Jumin said, letting out a breath.


Jumin gasped, looking up at Zen.

"No....." sighed Jumin.

"Then who?"

"That's not important,"


"Zen, you may not remember me, but, I remember you. You were and still are the only other thing that I genuinely care about besides Elizabeth 3rd.... Hyun Ryu," Jumin grabbed Zen's hands, clasping them together. Zen let out a short gasp. "You were the light that came into my darkness.... You were the angel sent from the heavens above to save me from this hell....."

"But, I'm an Atheist......" interrupted Zen, blinking absentmindedly at Jumin.

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, I can't exactly be "an angel sent from the heavens above" if I don't believe in it, now can I?"

"I'm trying to confess to my feelings for you, and you bring up that you don't believe in God?!"

"Mmm, yes."

Jumin gave him a blank stare, his face going cold. I cannot believe this freaking idiot right now...... But, he's MY idiot...... Jumin thought to himself, smiling like an idiot himself.

Jumin grabbed Zen's head, pushing it against his chest. He then set his chin on top of it; while his arms were wrapped around his waist. Zen let a gasp escape his lips, and eyes going wide.

"J-Jumin?" whimpered Zen.



"I..... I love you..." whispered Jumin, tightly holding onto the albino male.

"What did you say?"


"What?" Zen asked, displaying a dumbfounded look on his face. "Olive juice?"

"YES. I..... Let's get some olive juice at the...at the market Zen. Yes, I would love to have some olive juice tonight.... Heh-heh...." sighed Jumin, letting out a small breath of relief. I can't believe I just said that.... No, Zen.... Zen isn't ready yet..... He doesn't need to know right away..... Forgetting me might not be all that bad..... I'll tell him, when the times right.....

"Hey, tomorrow's Sunday." commented Zen.


"Yeah, look at my phone."

Jumin took the smartphone from Zen's hand, and stared at the calendar app that was displayed on the screen. He was right. Tomorrow was in fact Sunday.....and that meant that the RFA party was only two days away. Jumin stood there with his lover's phone in hand, staring at the screen. Jumin accidentally pressed the home button, revealing Zen's wallpaper. It was a picture of him and Jumin together. He let out a silent gasp, his eyes completely white. (Like in a manga/anime).

"Uh, Jumin? You okay, man?" Zen asked, waving his hand in front of him

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"Uh, Jumin? You okay, man?" Zen asked, waving his hand in front of him. "Hello~?"

Jumin shook his head at moment later, and grabbed Zen's hand after tossing his phone back to him.

"H-HEY! DON'T THROW MY PHONE! IF YOU BREAK IT, I WON'T BE ABLE TO GO ON THE MESSENGER!" exclaimed Zen as he was scolding Jumin.

"LET'S JUST GET TO THAT MARKET TO BUY THE OLIVE JUICE." Jumin spoke bluntly, his face flushing a bright red.

"Jumin?!" exclaimed Zen, who was now running up to Jumin.

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