TerraBeilman - Top 6: Judge's Choice

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Find her here: TerraBeilman

Superlative: Tragic Love

How did you feel when you found out that you were in the Top 11 of the Judge's Choice Hearties Contest?

I was excited and surprised. I never expected to get that far after seeing all who were in the running.

What motivates you to write?

I wouldn't say there's a motivator for my writing, it's always been a part of me. Since I was eight-years-old I've been writing poems, stories, blurbs. For me, writing is like breathing I just do it.

How do you handle writers block?

Writer's block is a funny thing for me, instead of fearing it and getting frustrated with it, I kinda embrace it. There's usually a reason behind it, whether it be that I need to rest, or there's a plot hole I'm not completely sure about. I'm also a part of a writers group and once a week we do writing prompts. I usually use that to get the juices flowing, my other romance on here, Unmasked was actually from a prompt we did last year. People watching helps just watching people interact with others, and music, music is huge for helping with it. I like to break down lyrics and imagine what they were thinking to write them, then I kinda just let the music take me on a journey and let the feelings rise and I write.

What's advice you would give to a new writer?

My advice is, just do it. Get it out. The only way you get better is by doing it and keep doing it.

How has Wattpad helped you with your writing?

Wattpad has helped my writing by giving me a motivator. I've enjoyed the community and the new writer friends I've made along the way.

Do you plan to publish?

I do actually plan to publish, my goal this year is finding an agent.

Where do you find inspiration from?

As I said before with the writer's block question much of my inspiration comes from music, but sometimes I just get a random idea and just go with it. I'm primarily a romance writer so I always enjoy putting my characters in almost impossible situations and find a way to make love bloom there.

Do you create characters for your stories based off of real people?

Some of my characters that I've written come from people I've met. I've had some crazy jobs with even crazier people working at them, and I've got a huge mental binder of insane characters to use for my lifetime of writing.

How do you feel about WeHeartLove?

I think weheartlove is great. I love the work the contributors put into it and give aspiring writers some recognition in the wattpad world.

Do you think readers should be critical in the comments they leave or keep it nice but helpful?

I've had some zingers, and honestly, it sucks, but everyone has their opinion. If you plan to publish (as I do) you kinda have to get a thick skin about people talking about your art, and art is personal. You put your heart into it and cry over your characters, and this person has the guts to complain about your character... whatever. In a perfect world, I'd love nice but helpful, that would be preferable.

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