Chapter 3- Tried to Stay Away... but it's too late.

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Aria's POV

Present time, after the awards show...

For the first time in ages, she felt like she is really enjoying having the noisy, cheering crowd surrounding her. She kept hearing surprised compliments, people saying they love her, a number asking for a photo op, some asking where her usual companion was. She just answered the last one with a smile. She's sure they all knew from news reports where that person was, out in the States fulfilling responsibilities. Why would they ask about him anyway? Oh well...

She smiled and posed for the cameras, answered a few more questions from TV news crews and responded to each praise thrown her way with a "thank you". There was a party in full swing at the main hall of the venue, but since she's not up to some dancing that night, she opted to go to the lobby and maybe find some familiar faces. Instead, she was met with the cheering crowd, which wasn't bad really.

But heaven knows how much she's longing for some quiet, warm company that night. Just talking maybe over a huge mug of hot drink, or maybe just cruising through traffic-free EDSA with no particular destination. When was the last time she ever did that with anybody? As the crowds were one by one being shunned away by security after each photo op, she looked around. And felt her heartbeat quicken as she saw that familiar built, that beautiful man standing by the main entrance, looking at her. Just her, his hazel eyes seemed to have been trying to will her to look his way.

In a place that won't let us feel

in a life where nothing seems real

I have found you

He smiled, and she felt her cheeks flush as she averted her eyes.

She just spent the past two hours with him, talking in between watching what was happening onstage earlier at the awarding event. And yet, each time he looks at her that way, it feels like the first time.

She still blushes. She still feels a bit shy. She will never win those staring matches.

But who could resist the sight of someone so gorgeous looking at her like she's the only person in the room? The only one that mattered? Like the whole universe is all about her. And her alone. She furtively looked his way again, and slowly, smiled.

Tristan's POV

He was ready to go home. He just spent two hours beside her on a crowded room, sharing a sumptuous dinner, talking, laughing, and looking at her like a schoolboy discovering what it feels like to be in love for the first time.

When was the last time he had given anyone that much attention? He often wondered, as he reflected on each day they were together during the tapings, how on earth he seemed to have been possessed by some medieval Romeo. Like his heart took over his brain. He almost forgot about reason. All that mattered was how he could spend more time with her. How he can make each moment count.

In a world that's moving too fast

in a world where nothing can last

I will hold you

He can't believe that, a month after their last taping day together, and a couple of weeks after the series ended, everything still felt like being on the set. Where they can just spend hours sitting beside each other, too close, talking, laughing, hugging and gazing at each other's eyes as if it was the last night they'll ever be together.

Our lives will change when tomorrow comes

tonight our hearts drown the distant drums

and we have music all right

tearing the night

He felt his heart jump when he realised that she was really looking at him... again. Is it time? Should he really take the risk? Is it the only chance he could have? He wondered quietly as he watched her, and the hordes of adoring fans. He checked his watch. It is past 11 pm. He is only giving himself until midnight. If nothing happens then, he will simply go home, and maybe just forget about everything that he planned on doing.

But his feet were glued stuck on the marble steps. And he knew, like the rest of the world will, he will wait for her.

When the crowd got busy with the other celebrities that came out of the main hall, he saw her look his way again, and smile. She mouthed "are you okay?" with a thumbs up sign. He smiled as he nodded, holding himself back from running towards her.

Wait some more, he told himself.

And when he thought everybody was busy, and nobody else was really paying attention, he walked towards her, with confident strides. And reached for her hand. It startled her a bit, and looked at him with curious eyes.

"Come with me." He said.

A song played on a solo saxophone.

so stay with me and hold me tight and dance 

like it's the last night of the world...


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