"Well," I sighed. "I've only known him for about eight hours." I giggled. 

Steve chuckled. "Sodapop's funny like that. He falls for girls real easy. I should know, we've been best friends since second grade."

I smiled to myself. There were a few moments of silence as I looked out the window and watched the night. "What about Dallas?""

"Dally? What about him?" 

"What's his story?" I asked curiously.

"Awe, you know. Grew up in a bad place with some bad parents. He got tuff." I nodded and bit my lip. "But he's a good guy. You just gotta get to know him."

"His whole personality is a little hard to swallow." I giggled.

Steve chuckled. "Yeah, he gives off that vibe a little. You'll get used to him." Steve sighed as we rolled up to Two-Bit's house. 

"Thanks for the ride." I smiled. 

"No problem Alex. Oh, and don't say anything to Soda about the whole..."

"I won't." 

He smiled and I shut the door, jogging up to the house.


After a lengthy explanation of where and what we were doing to aunt Laney, I went up and took a shower. Today was a lot to process. I thought about Sodapop and his cute smile and how Steve said he fell easily for girls. It was odd, though. I was different. I took time to start to like guys. I had to get to know them first. Really develop a relationship before going steady. I didn't come to Tulsa looking for a boyfriend, but I wouldn't really mind getting one. 

I fell asleep before I could really conjure my next full thought.


The next day aunt Laney took me shopping. Two-Bit came with us and helped me pick out some clothes that would help me "fit in" with the gang. I didn't wear pants or shorts around town all too often, most girls I knew didn't, but Two helped me pick out some really cute shorts that he said would help me move away from my habit of wearing only skirts and dresses. I also got a leather jacket that I couldn't help but be reminded of Dally by. It was odd, because I wanted to be reminded of Soda by it, but Dally consumed my mind for some unfathomable reason. 


The next day, Two-Bit shook me awake like usual, and said that later that day we were going out with the gang. For that morning, aunt Laney tried to teach me how knit. I tried my best, but I wasn't as good as her. Around two in the afternoon, Two-Bit called for me, interrupting my failed attempt at knitting. "The gang is meeting up at the Dingo for a burger. You should wear your new clothes I helped you pick out." He smiled proudly.

I scoffed. "You mean I can't wear my sweater-skirt sets anymore?" I giggled.

"Never again." He hissed. 

I went upstairs and filed through the shopping bags from the day before. I pulled out a pair of white shorts Two-Bit showed me. I cocked an eyebrow at them, nervously. I hadn't really worn shorts in public all that much before. I mean I wasn't scared or anything, I'd worn swimsuits before, it just wasn't what I was used to. I pulled on the shorts and a black t-shirt. I put on the leather jacket over it and looked at myself in the mirror. I raised my eyebrows at myself. I looked like a greaser. I pulled my hair out of it's ponytail and let it down to make myself look a little bit more girly.

I bit my lip at the sight of myself in shorts. I had to admit, I didn't hate them. It was a new and refreshing change. That's what my mom sent me here for, right? If I wore these when I got home, she'd flip, though. 

The Outsiders: Summer as a GreaserWhere stories live. Discover now