Twenty Three In Which She Doesn't Watch Her Step

Start from the beginning

Straight into Leon.

"Sorry," She apologised instantly. He rolled his eyes.

"Just watch where you're going," He hissed before brushing past her.

She just to smile a little. As cold as this encounter may have been, this was the most he's said in a long time, and for that she couldn't help but be excited. Maybe he was starting to move on from all her terrible mistakes.

She arrived at Coolie Smoothie a few minutes later than planned and Federico and Camila were already there. She muttered a string of apologies that they ignored, they simply pulled her into their arms giving her a tight squeeze.

"Damn Francesca! We've missed you so much!" They exclaim and the comment brought tears to her eyes.

"I missed you guys too," She says, sniffling a little.

They hug again and Francesca's heart swells with happiness, a feeling that was almost foreign to her. They walk to the counter and the cashier grins once she sees them.

"Well if it isn't my favourite gang," Lena winks and they laugh. "What on earth have you guys been up to? Are you cheating on Coolie Smoothie!" She gasps.

Francesca wanted to tell her that she really had no idea how on point she was about the cheating thing. She forced out a laugh.

"Le' there's nobody who can blend as well as you!" Francesca says with a smirk and Lena laughs.

"So the usuals?" Lena asks and the three of them nod.

Francesca was dying to taste a mango and banana smoothie again. She licked her lips eagerly. They stand to the side after paying and Lena gets to work on the three smoothies. They receive their smoothies in record time.

"So what's up?" Camila asks once they're out of earshot.

"How'd you know?" Francesca whines and the red head laughs.

"I'm not your best friend for nothing,"

Francesca takes a deep breath and her best friends lean closer. She was a little apprehensive about telling them the entire story. Would they leave her?

"Are you and Jorge still a thing?" Federico asks and she rolls her eyes.

"No," She answers softly and they almost choked on their smoothies. Camila wiped her mouth with a serviette while Federico just used the back of his hand.

"What happened?" Camila inquired.

Francesca couldn't stop the words, they just kept flowing and flowing out of her like a waterfall. Her voice got shakier as she reached the end, when she spilled Leon's deepest, darkest secret.

To say the least, the reaction wasn't at all what she was expecting.

"Up top!" Federico shouts holding his palm up. Francesca hesitantly pressed her against his and he laughed.

"I must say that's genius! You've finally done what you wanted for the last few centuries!" Camila congratulates her.

"You guys don't think I'm a horrible person?" She questions and they wave her question off with a hand.

"Why would we? We're your best friends, and besides we were there during some of your encounters. He's a jerk," Camila reassures her.

"We'd support you through whatever," Federico winks.

"You guys are the best you know," Francesca grins. Federico smirks knowingly and Camila flips her hair.

Francesca tells them about her recent dates with Caio. They sounded supportive of her relationship with him, but deep down they still thought she belonged better with Leon. They kept the thought to themselves.

"Will you stay over tonight?" Francesca pleads. Camila and Federico pretend to ponder the thought, the action made obvious by the mischievous glint in their eyes.

"We need a movie," Federico finally says and she claps her hands together eagerly.

They stand up and walk out the smoothie shop. Francesca should've known by now how utterly clumsy she was. Therefore she should know to not like at promotional signs of her sort-of-but-not-really boyfriend and instead watch where she's going.

She should.

But instead she trips over a stair and her smoothie goes flying on to the person right in front of her.

He had awesome hair.

Marco Tavelli.


I thought that their {Fran, Cami, Fede} friendship wasn't given enough recognition. And to show the strength, I let them side with her in this situation.

So next chapter, Marco ; ) I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for reading 🙈 Sorry for any errors 💚

~Lexy 😈

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