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My morning routine, then while waiting I heard my mom "Dyme, your going to pick up Jewls , and at 6:30 she's going with her friend."
I continued my day with him, right when I enterd the school I saw everyone getting asked out to the dance. The school was normal, then it ended. "so were going to pick up your sister,"he exclaimed.
" you don't have to.... "
" I'm going with you so you don't get hurt, "he interrupted.
We both walked to Jewls school, she came out so happy, she huged me" I love you Dyme,"Jewls shouted.
"I love you to, "I responded.
We got to our house, the sun was still up, and I asked Jelws" You want to go to the park. " She cheered while saying yes. I looked at Jade" I will be back." He nodded.
I was walking to the park with Jewls. "What friend are you going with," I asked.

"Jazzy's,"she cheered while skipping.

We reached to the park, Jewls ran to the slide, I went to sit on a swing. Then I see someone, a guy, the same size as Jade. Dark hair, blue green eyes, the wind blew through his shirt, showing the outlines of his abs. Then his little sister. He saw me and smiled. He sat down on a bench across from me, and his sister played with mine. He kept looking at me. Then he got up and walked towards my way. He sat on the swing next to me.

I looked at the ground not wanting to look at him. "hey",he mumbled. I nodded.

" I'm a person you know, kind of rude you ignore me,"he uttered.

I looked at him, his eyes where a dark green. I knew him, one of the bad boys. I thought he would never notice me.

"Max, right? "I stumbled.

He nodded.

"And Dyme right,"he questioned.

I was shocked, he knew my name.

We talked and talked about our lifes and things, then it's was getting dark and I had to leave.

" Well it was nice to meet you Dyme "

I nodded. But then he was in front of me, one of his hand held the chain and stopped me from swinging. And his other hand putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

" There's a dance and... "

I was looking down and then he softly moved my head toward him. Where I can see his chiseled face, his beautiful eyes.

" Will you go to the dance with me? "He whispers.

" Umm, me, well, "I stumble.

He hands me his phone number, he walks away with a wink and a smirk. I stare. Then Jewls and I walk home.

~Max's POV~

She's so beautiful, she is so shy, I can break her heart if I wanted to. She will say yes to me, she will try to make Jade jealous, but she will love me. I will make her.

~Dymes POV~

I am by the house then a car comes, it's Jewls friend. She gets in I get her stuff. I walk alone, and I'm at my house. I walk in, I see him and, her Kathy. His arm around her. He turns to me and nodds. Kathy gives me a stare.

"What is she doing here! "I yelled.

" A little company, "he says.

He gets up with her, and they both walk out the house. They said they were going to beat ups. Once they have left I went to Jade's room.

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