Chapter 10: The Bithday When Nightmares Came Tru

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{Kalel's Pov}

I woke up and realized that it was my birthday! I can't wait to spend the day with Anthony, Ian and Mel!

I got up, got dressed and walked in the living room.

"SUPRISE!!" all three of my best friends yelled.

"Aww you guys are so sweet!"

I looked around the room and there was balloons everywhere, there was a cake on the table and presents on the coffee table.

We ate cake for breakfast then we went and sat in the living room to open presents. Mel got me a vintage necklace and My Melody earrings. Ian got me Mario Cart 7 for my 3Ds and a Pokemon shirt. Finally I opened a small box from Anthony. It was a beautiful heart necklace with 10/10/10 engraved on the back of it. That was the date that we started dating. It was beautiful!

Then he said "I have one more present for you! Close your eyes!"

He started to walk in the other room and I closed my eyes.

"Ok, and... open!"

I opened my eyes and a little kitten walked in the room. I covered my mouth! I was in shock! I have been talking about getting a kitten for a while!

"Oh my god! Thank you so much Anthony!" I hugged and kissed him.

"Your welcome! Happy birthday! I love you!"

"I love you too! And thank you Ian and Melanie for everything!"

I walked over and started petting the small kitten.

"What are you going to name her?" Ian asked.

"Hmm, let's name her, Kabuki. Buki for short!"

"That's a perfect name!" Melanie said excitedly.

The day was perfect! Hanging out with my bestfriends and my new kitty.

Except for when we were all getting ready for bed, the door slammed open and a large man in a black coat walked in with a gun.

{ hope you like the story so far :) I will update tomorrow! Thank you so much for reading! <3}

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