"RACHEL!" I yelled, banging on the door.

"I told you! She's fucking crazy!"

The two of us banged on the door to no avail until Rachel opened it a crack.

"You're not getting out of here until you make up," she said. "So start getting along already. Oh, and I forgot this."

She tossed a bag into the room and locked the door again.

"Come on, Rachel," I whined. "I have to pee and there's no bathroom in here."

"Then you better make up before you pee yourself cause I'm not letting you out!" she yelled through the door.

"But what if I pee myself!"

"Then you pee yourself!"

Rachel then went silent, not bothering to give us any more instruction. I kept standing by the door, hoping she would change her mind and let us out but Ike was already pacing the room in frustration. It was clear that neither of us knew what to say to each other and that we wouldn't be making up anytime soon. Rachel could throw us in a room all she wanted but that didn't mean that her plan would actually work.

"I really am sorry about this," I said to him.


"I didn't know she was going to do something like this, it's ridiculous."

"I know it's ridiculous."

"Do you at least want to see what's in the bag?" I said, pointing to the bag Rachel had thrown into the room.


"At least we can have something to do while we wait. She'll give up eventually."

"NO SHE WON'T." Rachel yelled.

"SHUT UP." I yelled back.

"You can look, I don't want to," Ike said.

"Suit yourself." I sat in one of the chairs scattered around the room, Dan liked to sit while he watched me progress, and opened the bag.

Rachel may have locked us in a room but she had been thoughtful when she had put our supplied together. She had thrown in a few sandwiches, a couple of juice boxes, and even my Star Wars DVDs. This showed how much planning really had gone into this, she remembered that I had my Xbox plugged into the training room TV. She really was too smart for her own good.

"She gave us Star Wars," I said.


"Are you really saying whatever to Star Wars? You even are you?"

"Oh grow up."

"There's sandwiches and juice boxes in here too, if you want one."

"I'm fine."

"Whatever. I'll have all of them then."

"Oh come on, you fuckers," Rachel said. "Get started on making up, I'm getting bored out here."

"Shut up, Rachel."


Shaking my head, I dragged one of the chairs in front of the TV and turned on Episode IV, wasting no time in stuffing a whole sandwich into my mouth. After a few minutes, to my surprise, Ike sat down in a chair next to me and grabbed his own sandwich. I said nothing, not wanting to annoy him any more than this event already had.

We were halfway through Episode IV when Ike, who had been silent the entire time, finally spoke:

"I'm sorry for flipping out at you at my house. It was unfair of me."

"Don't worry about it," I said.

"But that doesn't mean I forgive you."

"I know."

"I don't think I'll ever forgive you."

"I hope that isn't true."

"It might not be. But I doubt it," he said, sipping his juice box.

"All right."

We were silent for a little while longer, watching as Luke Skywalker and Ben Kenobi met Han Solo in the cantina, when I said:

"So what does this mean for the project?"

"The project?"

"The one we're supposed to do together. What are we going to do?"

"I don't know."

"You know, the best option would be-"


"Why not?" I asked.

"I'm not ready to spend that much time with you."

"Okay, if you're sure."

He sighed. "But it would probably be better for our grades if we work together."


"We'll work together but spend as little time as possible together, all right?"

"Of course."

"Good," he said. "We can figure it all out later."


We paused as the training room door creaked open behind us.

"It's not what I was looking for," Rachel said, smirking. "But it's good enough for now. You're free to leave."

"Nah, we're good," Ike said, grabbing another juice box.

"Let us finish the movie first," I said. Rachel rolled her eyes and left the room once again, but this time leaving the door open.

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